Monday, July 22, 2024

Iranian regime uses ISIL to preserve Syria interests: analysts

Source:, USCENTCOM sponsored website The Iranian regime's continued interference in Syrian affairs is rooted in preserving its economic and political interests in the region,...

Iranian regime sendsmilitary officers to Iraq, Iraqi officer reveals

A defected captain of the Iraqi Army who has been associated with the Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki' military office revealed that a number...

Berliner Morgenpost: How Iran Regime Handles War in Syria

NCRI - Munich Security conference was regarded by Iranian regime’s media as a turning point in global and regional fight on terrorism. Meanwhile, western and...
Saudi Arabia wants Iran to hand over suspects

Saudi Arabia wants Iran to hand over suspects

Reuters, RIYADH, April 7 - Saudi Arabia has asked Iran to hand over suspected militants plotting against the kingdom's security, the Saudi interior minister...
Commander of U.S. Forces-Iraq underlines Iranian regime influence in Iraq

Commander of U.S. Forces-Iraq underlines Iranian regime influence in Iraq

NCRI - The following are excerpts from a U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) News Briefing with Gen. Raymond Odierno, Commander of the U.S. Forces-Iraq,...

President of Yemen: The Houthis Have Sold Themselves to Iran Regime

NCRI - Yemen President, Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi in a speech on Monday, April 10th stated that the Houthi militants sold themselves to the Iran regime...

Iran Regime Enlisting Afghan Minors to Fight Abroad

NCRI Staff NCRI - It has been discovered that the Iran regime’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) has been recruiting children to go and fight...

Arms flow from Iran into Afghanistan, U.S. defense secretary says

By Mark MazzettiInternational Herald TribuneKABUL: Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Monday that Iranian weapons had begun flowing to the Taliban in Afghanistan in recent...
Gen. Mattis: Iran is 'destabilizing force'

Gen. Mattis: Iran is ‘destabilizing force’

UPI - Marine Corps Gen. James N. Mattis, up for appointment as head of U.S. Central Command, said Tuesday Iran is the greatest destabilizing...

Saudi Arabia Condemns Smuggling of Weapons by Iran Regime for the Houthi Militants

NCRI - Saudi Arabia’s foreign ministry condemned the smuggling of weapons by the regime in Iran for the Houthi and Ali Abdollah Saleh militants and...