Sunday, July 21, 2024
US Treasury Department

U.S. Blacklists Companies and officials Linked to Iran’s Martyrs Foundation

The United States Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) designated three Lebanon-based officials and 12 Lebanon-based entities linked to Iran’s ‘Martyrs Foundation,’ part of Hizballah’s support network, as Specially Designated Global...

Europe-Iran Business Forum Would Invite Iran To Accelerate Its Malign Activities

In December, the International Trade Centre was due to hold a summit on prospects for economic relations between the nations of Europe and Iran....

Iran Regime’s Revolutionary Guards Must Be Totally Dismantled

NCRI Staff NCRI - The following by Frank Gaffney, Jr. the president of the Center for Security Policy (CSP), and a columnist for The Washington Times...

EIFA: Iraq must outlaw corruption, indict Nuri Maliki

NCRI - Former Iraqi dictator Nuri al-Maliki, acting under the thumb of the Iranian regime, is responsible for the calamity in Iraq today, former...

Iran Regime’s Network in Albania

On Wednesday a letter was published by the clerical regime's former operative in Albania. The letter was written by Hadi Sani-Khani to United Nations...

Badr Corps commander and Maliki’s minister Hadi Ameri, along with some other Iraqi agents...

NCRI - Deeply concerned about regional developments, especially Qaddafi’s overthrow, the downfall of the Syrian dictatorship in the horizon, and the collapse of...
Britain and U.S. Will "Strongly Regret" Detaining Iranian Oil Tanker: IRGC

Britain and U.S. Will “Strongly Regret” Detaining Iranian Oil Tanker: IRGC

Britain and the United States will "strongly regret" detaining an Iranian oil tanker, a deputy commander of the Iranian regime's Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) said...

Khamenei’s protégé chosen to head Iranian regime’s top clerical body

NCRI - Ahmad Jannati, a notorious cleric who is among the closest confidants of the mullahs' Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, was chosen on Tuesday...

Iran’s IRGC trained Hezbollah member arrested in Cyprus for bombing plot: Reports

The 26-year-old Lebanese national who was arrested in Cyprus on Thursday while in possession of an estimated two tons of a compound that can...

Iran Regime, and Its Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) Terrorist Quds Force, Should Leave Iraq

NCRI - Trump's government intends to release Iraq from the dominance of Iran and its backed-up militants. Stated Middle East affairs analyst, Hassan Hashemian, in...