Sunday, July 21, 2024
Belgium Rejects Pressure from Iranian Regime To Release Assadollah Assadi, very nearly one month after the conclusion of his terrorism trial.

Belgium Rejects Pressure from Iranian Regime To Release Assadi

This past Tuesday, the Belgian parliament held a committee hearing on Foreign Affairs, very nearly one month after the conclusion of a terrorism trial...
Brig. Gen. Ali Larijani Majlis speaker

Iran: Larijani threatened the US with suicide bombers

NCRI – Brig. Gen. Ali Larijani, speaker of the mullahs' Majlis (parliament) on Wednesday was quoted by the official news agency IRNA as saying,...

EU-GCC condemn Hezbollah’s involvement in Syria

Daily Star- The Gulf Cooperation Council and the European Union slammed Sunday Hezbollah's involvement in Syria's war.In a statement after the 23rd session of the...

Iraqi Kurds send 1,000 troops to Iran border

SULAIMANIYAH, Iraq (AFP) - Iraq's autonomous Kurdish region has sent 1,000 peshmerga troops to its border with Iran to prevent attacks by the Islamist...

Iran regime’s main export is terror – Struan Stevenson

Following the Iranian regime's nuclear deal with the world powers, Tehran's main export will not be oil; its main export is, and always will,...

Trial Starts in U.S. Case Over Iran Regime Linked New York Office Tower

NCRI - Two federal courts at New York and Washington are investigating about complaints by victims of terrorism and US administration against the Iranian regime....

ISIS Terrorists Rushed to Support Iran Regime’s Leader 

NCRI - Mrs. Zinat Mir Hashemi, Editor in Chief of the “Nabard-e Khalq” outlet and a member of the Organization of Iranian People's Fedai Guerrillas...
Iranian-backed militia groups take control of much of southern Iraq

Iranian-backed militia groups take control of much of southern Iraq

BY TOM LASSETERKnight Ridder Newspapers, BASRA, Iraq - Southern Iraq, long touted as a peaceful region that's likely to be among the first areas...

Terrorist attack in Saudi Arabia serves interests of “Iran-backed Militias”, Hariri says

Former Prime Minister of Lebanon Saad Hariri on Friday condemned the suicide bombing that rocked a Shiite mosque in the eastern Saudi region of...

The Iranian Resistance condemns killing of Iraqi MP Ayfan Saadun Al-Essawi

The killing was done to suppress the popular uprising in Iraq NCRI - The Iranian resistance strongly condemns the murder of Ayfan Saadun Al-Essawi,...