Saturday, July 20, 2024
Germany Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution 2019 Highlights Iran Regime’s Terrorist Attempts Against MEK

Iran: Germany Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution 2019 Highlights Iran Regime’s...

The Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz (BfV), the domestic intelligence service of the Federal Republic of Germany, in its annual report of 2019 highlighted the Iranian...
Iran Regime’s New Report on Ukrainian Airliner Crash Underlines Need for Independent International Inquiry

Iran Regime’s New Report on Ukrainian Airliner Crash Underlines Need for Independent International Inquiry

Nearly six months after shooting down a Ukrainian passenger jet, killing all 176 passengers aboard, the Iranian regime published a ridiculous report blaming an...

More Blows to Iran Regime’s Strategic Depth in Iraq

The new Iraqi government’s raids on the Iranian regime’s terrorist proxy groups, along with the removal of the regime’s agents from key governmental positions,...
Reuters’ Report Underlines Necessity of a Firm Action to Stop Iran Regime’s Threats

Reuters’ Report Underlines Necessity of a Firm Action to Stop Iran Regime’s Threats

In a special report on Wednesday, Reuters revealed the Iranian regime’s secret project to produce aluminium powder for its missile program.   “At the edge of...
Mahan Air Pilot Acknowledges Iran Regime Used Passenger Jet for Carrying Arms to Syria, Under Soleimani’s Supervision

Mahan Air Pilot Acknowledges Iran Regime Used Passenger Jet for Carrying Arms to Syria,...

Amir Assadolahi, a pilot of the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) affiliated Mahan Air, acknowledged he had transferred Qassem Soleimani, the eliminated commander of the IRGC...
Lawmakers Urge Switzerland to Keep Open File on Assassination of Prof. Kazem Rajavi

Lawmakers Urge Switzerland to Keep Open File on Assassination of Prof. Kazem Rajavi

The Italian Committee of Parliamentarians for a Free Iran and Australian Supporters of Democracy in Iran, in two separate letters to the Swiss government,...
Over 4,000 lawmakers urge Swiss government to hold Iran’s regime to account for the assassinating Professor Rajavi in 1990

ISJ Urge Swiss Government to Hold Iran’s Regime to Account for the Assassinating Professor...

The International Committee in Search of Justice (ISJ), which enjoys the support of over 4000 parliamentarians on both sides of the Atlantic, in a...
Iran: The decision to Close Dr. Kazem Rajavi’s assassination case justifies crime against humanity

Iran: The Decision to Close Dr. Kazem Rajavi’s Assassination Case Justifies Crime Against Humanity

In a letter to the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), The Swiss government announced that the assassination case of Professor Kazem Rajavi, the NCRI’s representative in Switzerland, who was...
Iran regime’s new parliament confirms mullahs’ intention to increase terrorism and oppression

Iran Regime’s New Parliament Confirms Mullahs’ Intention to Increase Terrorism and Oppression

The 11th term of the Iranian regime’s parliament, which is in line with the regime’s contraction policy, and its position, with having many of the Revolutionary Guards...
IRGC Navy Commander Threatens to Set Iran’s Dhows on Fire, While Mullahs Control Organized Network of Smuggling

IRGC Navy Commander Threatens to Set Iran’s Dhows on Fire, While Mullahs Control Organized...

While the world knows of the Iranian regime’s Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) role in terrorism, oppression, corruption, and smuggling, the IRGC’s Navy commander now threatens dhow owners in...