Tuesday, July 16, 2024

The clerical regime’s disinformation agencies

The clerical regime has invested greatly on disinformation campaigns and demonizing strategies against the Iranian Resistance and set up an elaborate apparatus to implement...

Dissidents’ families targeted

The mullahs Ministry Of Intelligence Services(MOIS) routinely harasses and intimidates dissidents outside Iran by exerting pressure on their families inside the country. In most...

European Police investigates Iran’s secret agents

Early in the year 2000, after the escalation of activities of the agents of MOIS in various western countries, the police in these countries...

European intelligence service’s reports on mullahs Ministry of Intelligence

European intelligence service's reports on mullahs Ministry of Intelligence and Security(MOIS) activities The mullahs' regime's campaign against the Iranian opposition abroad...

Minister of Intelligence in Ahmadi Nejad’s cabinet

Gholamhossein Mohseni Eje'ee was appointed as the Minister of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) by Ahmadinejad in August 2005. Formerly, he was a Revolutionary Court...

Second Court Hearing of Rome Terror Case

TerrorismCourt hearing over the assassination of Mohammad-Hossein Naqdi, representative of the NCRI in Italy, ended its second session in Rome’s Criminal Court on May...