Thursday, July 18, 2024

Iran, terror and the Clinton ‘legacy’

EditorialThe Washington Times - U.S. District Judge Royce Lamberth's ruling that the Iranian government is to blame for the killing of 19 members of...

Blair says Iran row at critical stage

By David ClarkeReuters - Prime Minister Tony Blair said on Tuesday the way was open for diplomatic efforts to secure the release of...

Weapons cargo from Iran destined for Yemen intercepted

The Arab Coalition fighting against groups backed by the regime in Tehran has intercepted a cargo ship coming from Djibouti to Yemen carrying military...

As Revolution in Iran Becomes Apparent, Western Powers Must Begin Looking Forward

By Alejo Vidal-Quadras In 2018, one of the biggest gatherings of the opposition was the target of a terrorist plot by agents of the Iranian...
Khamenei and Ahmadinejad

Iran: Der religiöse Führer Khamenei zum Nahost-Konflikt – Lasst die Welt abstimmen!

Nicht nur der iranische Präsident macht sich Gedanken über das Schicksal Israels: Das geistliche Oberhaupt Irans, Ajatollah Khamenei, fordert in der Nahost-Frage ein globales...

IRAN: Ex-bodyguard for Ahmadinejad killed in Syria fight

A former bodyguard for the Iranian regime's former President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has been killed while fighting in Syria, the regime's state media announced on...
Maryam Rajavi Urges Banning Iran Regime’s Secret Services

Maryam Rajavi Urges Banning Iran Regime’s Secret Services

A former Interior and Justice Minister of the Iranian regime and longtime representative of their Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) revealed new information...
Former Iranian ambassador Perviz Khazai

Impose Sanctions on Iran Regime’s President Hassan Rouhani

Since July 1980, the Iranian regime's President Hassan Rouhani has been calling for the execution of political dissidents in the Friday prayers in public,...

Iranian regime’s fingerprints in Fallujah

By David Ignatius, Source: The Washington PostFour years ago, al-Qaeda appeared to have been destroyed in Iraq. Last week, fighters from the group captured...
US Ambassador: Iran Regime Meddles in Nearly Every Middle East Country

US Ambassador: Iran Regime Meddles in Nearly Every Middle East Country

The US Ambassador to Saudi Arabia John Abizaid has said that the Iranian Regime meddles in nearly every country in the Middle East via...