Thursday, July 18, 2024
MEPs’ Statement Urges Renewed Attention To Crimes of Iranian Regime

Europe-Iran Business Forum Signals Willingness To Overlook the Worst Malign Activities

Ne Starting on Monday, EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell and several other figures from European political and business circles are expected to take part...

Holding Iran’s Regime To Account for Terrorism Is Long Overdue

On Friday, a group of British lawmakers issued a statement on behalf of the International Committee of Parliamentarians for a Democratic Iran, in which...

Demands for Accountability From Iran Intensify as EU Foreign Ministers Convene

On Monday, foreign ministers from the European Union’s member states gathered in Brussels for wide-ranging policy discussions. The meeting naturally drew advance commentary from...

Letter by Lord Alton To UK Foreign Secretary: Hold Iran Accountable for Terrorism

In his letter to Dominic Raab, the United Kingdom Foreign Secretary, Lord Alton of Liverpool urged the UK government to hold the Iranian regime...
MEPs’ Statement Urges Renewed Attention To Crimes of Iranian Regime

Europe-Iran Business Forum Gives Legitimacy To Iranian Officials at the Worst Time

Josep Borrell, the European Union’s head of foreign policy, recently confirmed that he would be taking part in the Europe-Iran Business Forum at the...
UK Parliament Foreign Affairs Committee Publishes BCFIF Report Exposing Iran Regime’s Atrocities and Supporting Iranian Resistance

UK Lawmakers Call for Maximum Pressure on Iran’s Regime for Its Terrorism

Mr. Bob Blackman, Member of Parliament from the United Kingdom, issued a statement on February 19, on behalf of the International Committee of Parliamentarians...

Retaliatory Arrests Underscore Iran’s Exploitation of Weak European Policy

It was recently revealed that two Europeans – a German citizen and an Iranian-French dual national – were arrested in Iran sometime before the...

Silence on Iranian Terror Case Reflects Dangerous Old Habits of European Foreign Policy

On Wednesday, the International Committee in Search of Justice released a statement that decried European silence over the recent conviction, in a Belgian court,...

Former Iranian Intelligence Operative’s Letter Highlights Need for Proactive Western Policies

A former operative of Iran’s Ministry of Intelligence (MOIS) by the name of Hadi Sani-Khani recently wrote a letter to United Nations Secretary-General Antonio...

Iran Regime’s Network in Albania

On Wednesday a letter was published by the clerical regime's former operative in Albania. The letter was written by Hadi Sani-Khani to United Nations...