Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Despite Hostile Tone for an Audience Abroad, Khamenei’s Speech on Tuesday Revealed Dismay From...

During a speech with the most senior officials in the audience, the Iranian regime’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei discussed several topics, praising Ebrahim Raisi’s...
OIAC online conference: “Iran: Global Threat, Domestic Repression, Prospects for Change”

Over 500 Iranian American Scholars Urge US President To Maintain IRGC on State Dept....

More than 500 prominent Iranian American scholars signed an open letter to U.S. President Joe Biden on Tuesday, April 12, calling on the administration...

Terrorism of Rouge State Like Iran Warrants Firmness

Last week, two men posing as federal agents were arrested in the United States. The detained spies had presented actual Secret Service agents with...
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Iran: What Message Would IRGC’s Delisting Send?

Contrary to the optimistic forecasts about the completion of the nuclear talks in Vienna between Tehran, its European counterparts, and the U.S., the negotiations...

Consequences of Rewarding Tehran for Its Double Speak Diplomacy

In his memoir in the late 1980s, Ali Akbar Velayati, the Iranian regime’s former foreign minister and a senior advisor to the current Supreme...

In Washington DC, Experts on National Security and Foreign Affairs Call On Firm Policy...

Celebrating Nowruz and the new Iranian year, the Washington Office of the National Council of Resistance of Iran organized a conference where former U.S....

Iran Opposition NCRI Warns Delisting IRGC Will Lead To ‘Terrorism and Mayhem’

Leading Iranian opposition coalition, the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) U.S. Representative Office issued a new book on Thursday warning against any...

Tehran Committed an Act of War, Should It Be Rewarded?

On March 13, twelve ballistic missiles, fourteen by some Iranian media accounts, hit Iraq's northern city of Erbil, destroying property and injuring locals. In...

IRGC Missile Attack Against Targets in Iraqi Kurdish Region Sparked International Outcry

The Sunday morning rocket attacks on Erbil, northern Iraq, which the Iranian regime's Revolutionary Guards Corps has claimed responsibility for, have so far triggered...

Exclusive Report: IRGC and Hezbollah’s Presence in South America

The Iranian regime’s involvement in virtually all crises and hotspots in the Middle East is clear. Yet, the destructive operations of Tehran’s Islamic Revolutionary...