Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Brussels’ Shameful Deal With Tehran Will Escalate Terrorism, Endanger European Nationals, Iranian Refugees

After months of speculations, the news of a shameful deal between the clerical regime in Iran and the Belgian government was confirmed through the...

Who is Mohammad Kazemi and Can He Save Iranian regime’s IRGC Intelligence Organization?

On June 23, Hossein Salami, the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) Commander-in-Chief, appointed the IRGC Brigadier General Mohammad Kazemi as the new chief of the IRGC...

Who Is Hossein Taeb, Recently Booted From Iran’s IRGC Intelligence Organization?

Last week, the Iranian regime sacked Hossein Taeb, the longstanding intelligence chief of the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) and a confidant of the mullahs’ supreme...

Mike Pence Visit With MEK Adds to the Long List of Tehran’s Grievances

Former US Vice President Mike Pence’s visit to Ashraf-3, home to thousands of members of Iran’s principal opposition movement, the Mujahedin-e-Khalq (PMOI/MEK), and his...

Tehran’s Grounded Plane in Argentina Unearths Its Sinister Agenda for Latin America

Days after Argentina grounded an Iranian airplane and seized the passports of its crew members, Paraguayan authorities announced the pilot was a member of...

Iran’s Failed Saber-rattling Shows the Regime’s Weakness

On May 27, Iran’s state TV aired a propaganda film showing its so-called “313 strategic drone headquarters.”  Tehran’s saber-rattling came amid ongoing protests in...

Iranian Agents Attack Peaceful Protestors, This Time in Brussels

Clerical Regime Agents Attack MEK Supporters’ Rally Brussels in Support of Abadan Uprising In a desperate reaction to the solidarity protests in various cities of...

Why Iran’s Regime Seized Greek Vessels?

The Iranian regime’s Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) seized two Greek oil tankers in the Strait of Hormuz in an apparent retaliatory move. But all facts...

Foreign Minister of the Biggest Abuser of Human Rights and Godfather of Terrorism (The...

More than half of the world's recorded executions took place in Iran in 2021 Receiving Abdollahian, embolden mullahs to intensify repression in Iran...

Uncertainty Over Regional Power Dynamics as Assad Makes Rare Visit to Tehran

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad was in Tehran on May 8 to meet with both the Supreme Leader and the president of the Iranian regime....