Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Iran’s Ex-FM Salehi Acknowledges Regime’s Diplomacy of Terror

Ali Akbar Salehi, the Iranian regime’s former Foreign Minister and Head of the Atomic Energy Organization acknowledged that Tehran’s terrorism and diplomacy go hand-in-hand...
Fifty-two U.S. embassy employees and diplomats were taken hostage for 444 days by a group of people calling themselves “Student followers of the line of the Imam.”

U.S. Embassy Hostage Takers Now Hold Top Positions in Iran Government

Forty years ago, on November 4, 1979, the United States embassy in Tehran was taken over by a group of people calling themselves “Student...

Who Is Hossein Amir-Abdollahian: A Diplomat or a Field Agent?

He has been given many labels: a career diplomat, an anti-Western liaison, and Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei’s go-to advisor on ‘East-oriented policy’. For many...

Editorial: Iran’s Regime Naval Terrorism Warrants More Sanctions

The latest revelations by the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) about the Iranian regime's dangerous attempts to disrupt international maritime activity should...

Who is Mohammad Kazemi and Can He Save Iranian regime’s IRGC Intelligence Organization?

On June 23, Hossein Salami, the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) Commander-in-Chief, appointed the IRGC Brigadier General Mohammad Kazemi as the new chief of the IRGC...

British Lawmakers Censure Iran- Belgium Deal to Release Terrorists

Statement European legislation must not undermine efforts to stop Iran’s state terrorism The Belgian Parliament is soon to vote on a government bill regarding the transfer...

Report: Iran’s Terrorist Network in Africa and Its Implications 

On Sunday, November 28, 2021, authorities uncovered a series of coordinated plans for terror attacks by an Iranian in Kenya. Mohammed Saeid Golabi is accused of being...
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Iran: What Message Would IRGC’s Delisting Send?

Contrary to the optimistic forecasts about the completion of the nuclear talks in Vienna between Tehran, its European counterparts, and the U.S., the negotiations...
The Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, the main force behind the Iranian regime's terrorism and malign behavior in the region

Iran’s Regime Is the World’s Foremost Threat to Peace and Security

Iran's regime is known globally as the number one state sponsor of terrorism. Civilized nations consider the regime as an international pariah. United States...
The mullahs’ regime uses humanitarian or charity organizations and institutions, in addition to its official organizations such as embassies and consulates, as a cover for the terrorist Quds Force to intervene in neighboring countries.

Quds Force’s Arm in Iraq: Holy Shrines’ Reconstruction Headquarters

Special report Religious ceremonies of Arbaeen to be used as cover for extensive Iranian interventions in Iraq The mullahs’ regime uses humanitarian or charity...