Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Iranian regime’s proxy groups in Iraq commit crimes in Tikrit

Horrific thing are happening in Iraqi city of Tikrit as Iraqi forces and armed groups affiliated to the Iranian regime have entered the city...

EU official warns Iran nuclear deal may spur more proxy wars

A nuclear deal with Iran may spur more proxy wars in the Middle East, the European Union’s counter-terrorism coordinator said on Monday. Gilles de...

Dubai policeman jailed for spying for Iranian regime

The Federal Supreme Court in United Arab Emirates has sentenced a Dubai policeman to three years in prison for passing state secrets to the...

White House concerned about Iranian weapons in Yemen

Amid a Saudi-led military offensive to defeat Iranian backed Houthis that control much of Yemen, the White House has expressed concern about the Iranian...

‘Brazil as an operational hub for Iran and Islamic Terrorism’

A Brazilian investigative journalist has briefed members of U.S. congress on the Iranian regime’s terrorist activities in Latin America. In a statement titled "Brazil...

IRAN: Imad Mughniyah was Qassem Suleimeni’s brother-in-law, state-run media

The relations between the Iranian regime’s Quds Force and Lebanese Hezbollah is far more than a relations between a terrorist force and its proxy....

Greatest danger facing Iraq is Iran not ISIS, David Petraeus warns

In an interview with French daily Le Figaro, the former head of NATO and the multinational forces in Afghanistan and CIA director, US General...

Arab states reject Iran regime interference in Iraq

The Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) for Arab States held their 134th session of the GCC Ministerial Council in Meetings...

Iran regime is worse than ISIS: Senator Graham

U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham, a potential 2016 presidential candidate said on Sunday he sees the Iranian regime a threat greater than the Islamic State...

Senior IRGC commander reveals new dimension of Iranian regime’s involvement in Syria

NCRI - The Iranian regime’s Revolutionary Guards Corp has created several Sunni, Shiite and Christian ‘youth organizations’ in Syria so they can receive the...