Tuesday, July 30, 2024

IRAN: IRGC commander, cleric and Pakistani mercenaries killed in Syria

During the past few days, a number of members of the Iranian regime’s Revolutionary Guards and its foreign mercenaries, who have recently been killed...

Iranian regime’s Quds Force spy sentenced to seven years in prison

An Iranian-born Belgian man who worked for the Qods Force was sentenced by an Israeli court to seven years in prison on Tuesday for...

Sen. Kirk: Iran regime is the world’s biggest state sponsor of terror

The Iran under role of mullahs is ‘the world’s biggest state sponsor of terror’ and is now trying to build nuclear weapons, Senator Mark...

Iran regime increased cyber-attacks while negotiating nuclear deal, new study reveals

A new study of Iran’s cyberactivities, to be released by Norse, a cybersecurity firm, and the American Enterprise Institute, concludes that the clerical regime...

Ex-US Commander in Iraq: Shiite militias get their directions from Iran’s Quds Force

In an online conference, on Monday, a former senior US military commander in Iraq said Shiite militias in Iraq are getting their directions from...

Iran regime is trying to supply surface-to-air missiles to Houthis: U.S. official

A senior U.S. defense official says the U.S. knows that Iran is trying to supply Houthi rebels in Yemen with surface-to-air missiles, The Wall...

Iranian regime conducts massive spying in Egypt: Report

The Iranian regime’s intelligence is conducting extensive activities in Egypt and other Arab countries, according to London-based Arabic-language Asharq Al-Awsat who made the revelation...

IRGC and Hezbollah are fighting in Yemen: Report

The Iranian regime‘s Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) and Lebanese Hezbollah are engaged in battles alongside Houthi rebels in Yemen, Arabic al-Mustaqbal newspaper reported on Saturday....

Yemen: Iranian IRGC officers captured in Aden

The Yemenis fighting Houthi rebels in the southern Yemeni city of Aden said they captured two Iranian military officers, during fighting on Friday evening,...

US warns Iranian regime over support for Houthis in Yemen

The U.S. will not stand by while the Iranian regime provides support to Houthi rebels who have seized much of Yemen, Secretary of State...