Monday, July 29, 2024

IRAN: More IRGC commanders, mercenaries killed in Syria

NCRI - As the Iranian regime’s casualty rate in Syria mounts, the bodies of those killed in recent days including many members of the...

Defeating extremism runs through Tehran

By Ali Safavi, National Council of Resistance of Iran Source: The heinous terrorist attacks in San Bernardino last week and in Paris last...

Saudi FM criticizes Iranian regime’s negative role in the region

Saudi Arabian Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir told reporters after the two-day summit in Riyadh that the regime in Tehran is playing a negative role...

Bipartisan Agreement: Iranian regime is Leading State Sponsor of International Terrorism

( – The top Democrat and the top Republican on the House Foreign Affairs Committee both agreed that Iran is the leading state sponsor...

A united front is needed to defeat Islamic extremism

By Kasra Nejat Source: ST.LOUIS POST-DISPATCH While investigators are trying to determine whether the horrific carnage in San Bernardino, Calif., was the latest case...

Iran regime tested missile, breaching U.N. resolutions: U.S. officials

The Iranian regime has tested a new medium-range ballistic missile last month in a breach of two U.N. Security Council resolutions, Reuters reported quoting...

President of Sudan condemns Iranian regime meddling in the Arab World

President of Sudan condemned the escalating interference of Iranian regime in the Arab countries. In an interview with Al-Arabiya network on Thursday, December 3,...

The real shadow over Syria is cast by the mullahs of Iran

By Christopher Booker Source: In all the coverage given to unravelling who is for or against whom in the unspeakable shambles of Syria,...

Help moderate Muslims defeat Islamic extremism

By Sarvnaz Chitsaz The Hill Anyone with even a passing knowledge of the teachings of Islam should know that the Quran states plainly that...

Mohammad Mohaddessin: Let’s learn from the post-9/11 mistake

Townhall The ruthless killing of innocent people in Paris was a crime against humanity by any standard. It poses the same question that the...