Sunday, July 28, 2024

Weapons cargo from Iran destined for Yemen intercepted

The Arab Coalition fighting against groups backed by the regime in Tehran has intercepted a cargo ship coming from Djibouti to Yemen carrying military...

EIFA: Iran-backed groups in Iraq main cause of sectarian conflicts

Source: President of the European Iraqi Freedom Association (EIFA) Iran-backed paramilitary forces which operate as criminal groups or in the guise of popular mobilization forces...

IRAN: More IRGC and Quds Force men killed in Syria

Another member of the Iranian regime’s Revolutionary Guards Corp (IRGC) and five members of Quds force have been killed fighting for the Syrian dictator...

Video shows armed Iranian UAV carrying out strikes in Syria

A video released by a Syrian group fighting regime of Bashar al-Assad appears to show an Iranian unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) carrying a weapon...

US intelligence chief: Iran regime is the “foremost state sponsor of terrorism”

The U.S. faces terror threats from across the globe, and Iran continues to be the foremost state sponsor of terrorism, Director of National Intelligence...

Bahrain charges 11 with forming Iran-trained ‘terrorist’ group

Bahrain’s prosecution service said Monday it has charged 11 suspects with forming a 'terrorist' group that included members trained by the Iranian regime’s Revolutionary...

UN: Syrian regime committing crimes against prisoners

The United Nations Independent International Commission of Inquiry for Syria said on Monday that the regime of Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad is committing crimes...

Saudi Arabia: 27 go on trial for spying for Iran

Over two dozens people, mostly Saudis, accused of spying for Iran will appear before the Criminal Court in Riyadh, a Saudi daily reported on...

Khamenei: If we don’t fight enemy abroad, we’ll have to fight them in Iran

Speaking to families of Iranians killed in Syria fighting for Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad, the Iranian regime’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei said if his...

Iranian regime faces crisis in recruiting Afghans to fight in Syria

The Iranian regime has dispatched thousands of foreign mercenaries including Afghan refugees to fight in Syria and prop up the embattled regime of Bashar...