Friday, July 26, 2024

Presence of Qassem Soleimani in Aleppo, Proof of Killings of Syrian Citizens (by Iran...

NCRI - One of the documents exposing Iranian regime’s criminal meddling in Syria is the presence of Qassem Soleimani, commander of Iranian Revolutionary Guards (IRGC’s)...

Iran Regime’s Officials Congratulate Each Other for Committing Crimes Against Humanity in Aleppo

NCRI - While the world is disgusted and perplexed of crimes against humanity and atrocities committed against the defenseless people of Aleppo, the highest authorities...

Gen. Petraeus: Revolutionary Guards Benefit From Iran Nuclear Deal Money

NCRI - Gen. David Petraeus, former head of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency warns that the money released following nuclear deal with Iran regime falls...

Iran Regime MP: Over One Million Youths, to Be Dispatched to Syria

NCRI - In an expansionist statement, the Iranian regime’s deputy of the security commission of parliament said: “In the current situation, the enthusiasm and desire...

Iran Regime Is a Threat to Security and Stability in the Middle East

The Iranian regime is a threat to the security and stability in the Middle East and Gulf countries. The following is Al Arabiya’s interview...

Bahrain’s Foreign Minister: Terrorist Threat Caused by Iran Regime Must Be Countered

NCRI - Bahrain’s Foreign Minister says that until the terrorist threat caused by Iran Regime is not averted, the way for improving relations with Iran...

A confession regarding the death of 50 Basiji Students in Syria

NCRI - The head of Basij Student Organization of Iran admitted that 50 Basiji students have been killed in Syria so far. As Basij Press...

Brave Iranian Student: We Are Condemned in the Court of History for Remaining Silent...

NCRI - During a ceremony on Saturday, December 3, in Tehran’s Amir Kabir University on the occasion of Students’ Day, a brave student for the...

Iran: Recruitment of Inmates to Dispatch to Syria

NCRI - After Iranian regime’s failure to dispatch more Basiji (mobilization) and Pasdar (Revolutionary Guard) forces as well as its Afghan and Pakistani mercenaries to...

Sudan completely severs ties with Iran regime – report

NCRI - The Kuwaiti newspaper al-Rai al-Aam on 6th December 2016 reported that the Sudanese government is taking the last steps to fully break off...