Friday, July 26, 2024

Iran Regime Ambassador in Iraq: Our Frontline Is Mosul, Lebanon, Aleppo and Syria

NCRI - Senior adviser to Qassem Soleimani commander of the IRGC terrorist Quds Force, Iraj Masjedi, who has recently been appointed as Iranian regime’s ambassador...

Houthi Commander Admits: Iran Training Us

Al Arabiya English Sunday, 15 January 2017 reported that newly recruited Houthi fighters parade before heading to the frontline to fight against government forces,...

Former Iraqi Vice President: Ghasem Soleimani Told Me Iran Has Relations With Al-Qaida

NCRI - In an interview with Al-Arabiya TV, Tariq al-Hashimi, Secretary General of the Iraqi Islamic Party and former Iraqi vice president, revealed details of...

A Member of Parliament of Afghanistan: Iran Interferes in Afghanistan by All Means

NCRI - The Member of Parliament of Afghanistan, Haji Maulavi Tarakhil Mohammadi stated that the Iranian regime interferes in Afghanistan affairs in order to destroy...

Lord Maginnis of Drumglass: Iran – the Greatest Impediment to Peace in Syria

In this article by Lord Maginnis of Drumglass which was published on January 13, in ‘Politics Home’ he questions whether the UK and the...

Iran: Ruthless murderer set to replace Rafsanjani 

On January 13, ‘The Hill’ published an alarming article by Struan Stevenson President of the European Iraqi Freedom Association (EIFA).former MEP and President of...

Why the Assad Regime Insists on the Bombardment of Wadi Barada

NCRI - Syrian writer and journalist, Mohammed Abdullah said to Al-Jazeera TV that the Assad regime and its allies attacked Wadi Barada located in suburbs...

Iranian Regime Opposes Any Talks on Syria: Opposition

NCRI - A member of the Syrian National Coalition says that the Iranian regime opposes any talks about Syria. This regime and its backed-up militants...

Iran regime is behind the terrorist attack in Kandahar, Afghanistan: Report

On 11th of January 2017, Eram News unveiled the interference of the Iranian regime in the terrorist attack occurred in Kandahar, Afghanistan on 10th...

Iran Regime Is Seeking Bloodshed and Destruction in Syria

NCRI - Syrian revolutionary forces’ Press Secretary in Damascus ‘Yusuf Bustani’ says in his interview with Al-Arabiya TV that the Iranian regime is seeking bloodshed,...