Thursday, July 25, 2024

Yemen Asks UN to Designate Houthis as ‘Terrorists’

The government of Yemeni President Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi has formally requested the United Nations Security Council to designate the Houthi militias as “terrorists,” Al...

Protest in Munich Against the Iranian Regime’s Foreign Minister

NCRI - On Friday February 17th 2017, a protest gathering was staged against the Iranian Foreign Minister, Mohammad Javad Zarif in the city center of...

Iran TV Host Admits to Tehran’s Attempts to Assassinate Regime Opponents Abroad

The Iranian state television admitted, for the first time, that the state carried out assassinations of opponents of the regime outside the country using...

Al-Jubeir: Iran Is the Main Sponsor of Global Terror

Saudi Arabia's foreign minister on Sunday 19 February 2017 in Munich, rejected Iranian calls for dialogue saying Tehran was the main sponsor of terrorism...

Iran: 300 Thousand Dollars Prize for the Execution of Salman Rushdie by IRGC Affiliated...

NCRI - According to the terrorist Quds Force Tasnim news agency on February 19, participants in the fourth exhibition called digital media of the Islamic...

Yemen’s President Lauds U.S. Intervention Curbing Iran Regime’s Expansionism

Yemen's President Abdu Rabbo Mansur Hadi lauded the "active interventionism" of the new United States administration against the Iranian regime’s systematic interference in region-wide...

The Bulk JCPOA Benefits Are Going to IRGC and State Owned Companies in Iran

When the United States and Europe negotiated the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) they claimed it would boost trade and encourage foreign investment,...

MEK Plays Leading Role in Exposing Iranian Regime’s Regional Conduct

NCRI - On Tuesday, Feb 14, Alireza Jafarzadeh, the Deputy Director of the National Council of Resistance of Iran - US Representative Office, revealed information...

United States Should Cut off Iranian Regime’s Fingertips (IRGC) in the Region

NCRI - The US administration should cut off Iranian regime’s fingertips in the region. They are a threat to stability and security in Syria, Iraq,...

Iran: Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) Activities Crippled If Named a Terrorist Group

NCRI - What would be the effects of listing IRGC as a terrorist group on its activities beyond Iran’s geographical borders? In his interview with...