Thursday, July 25, 2024

Bahrain Uncovers a New ‘Terrorist Cell’, Captures 25 Members

Bahrain said on Saturday that it has uncovered what it called a terrorist cell and arrested 25 individuals so far with 16 others charged...

Iran’s Meddling in Arab World Provides Grounds for Extremists: UAE Official

NCRI - Iran’s meddling in Arab countries and supporting Houthis militias paves the path and provides adequate grounds for extremist groups, including al-Qaeda and...

Iran: The IRGC Must Be Evicted From Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Other Countries of...

Failure to aid province highlights Iran's misguided priorities For days now, large swathes of western Iran have been covered in dust — literally. Dust...

The Iran Regime’s Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) Blacklisting Is a Long Overdue Measure

Why Iran’s Revolutionary Guards deserve to be blacklisted The discussion in the White House to designate Iran’s Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) as a foreign terrorist...

Berliner Morgenpost: How Iran Regime Handles War in Syria

NCRI - Munich Security conference was regarded by Iranian regime’s media as a turning point in global and regional fight on terrorism. Meanwhile, western and...

Iran Regime’s Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) Terror Plans, Inside the U.S.

As Iran’s government claimed that the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) is widely known to be fighting terrorism in neighboring countries, a newly-emerged video...

Giulio Terzi: Iran Regime Exports Fundamentalism and Terrorism to Conceal It’s Disabilities

NCRI - The former Italy's Minister of Foreign Affairs, Giulio Terzi warned about the interference of the Iranian regime in the region, stating that the...

Iran Regime’s IRGC Is Training Fighters in Syria

It has been reported through Iranian regime’s media outlets that Iran is using Syria as a battleground to train military officers. The Imam Hossein...

Desperate Efforts to Cover up the Environmental Catastrophe in Southwestern Iran

NCRI - The Leader of Friday Prayer Advocates Palestinian Conference Instead of Climate Issues in Khuzestan The Leader of Tehran Friday Prayer stipulated that the...

IRGC and Old Habits – Iran Terrorism

BY: Reza Shafa They say old habits die hard. In the case of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) is certainly true. There are two...