Thursday, July 25, 2024

Yemen President: We Have Discovered and Confiscated Iran’s Arms Consignments Many Times

NCRI - Yemen President Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi delivered a speech on Sunday marking the second anniversary of the beginning of “Operation Decisive Storm” by the...

Germany Sentences Iran Regime’s Intelligence Agent to Imprisonment

NCRI - A Pakistani man was convicted in Germany on Monday of spying for Iran to search out potential attack targets for the Revolutionary...

Iran Regime’s Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) Terrorists Arrested in Bahrain

Bahrain arrests terror cell with links to IRGC, Hezbollah Brigades in Iraq Bahrain security forces have arrested a terror cell that plotted to assassinate...

Iran Regime’s Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) and Fake News

Much has been discussed about “fake news” appearing everywhere, from newspapers to blogs to social media to even Wikipedia listings that have been altered....

Iran Regime Supports Houthi Terrorists in Yemen’s War

According to Reuters on March 21, 2017. Iran is sending advanced weapons and military advisers to Yemen's rebel Houthi movement, stepping up support for...

The U.S. Department of State Designated Two Bahraini Mercenaries of Iran Regime as Terrorists

On March 17, 2017.Office of the Spokesperson of the state department made the following announcement: The Department of State has designated Ahmad Hasan Yusuf...

Iran Using Religion as a Tool to Spread Meddling in the Middle East

NCRI - Sky News TV aired an interview with an Iran expert on this regime’s meddling in the Middle East. “Religion and beliefs are nothing...

Who Was Behind the 1993 Assassination of an NCRI Member?

NCRI - March 15th, 1993 marks the day when Mohammad Hossein Naghdi, a member of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), was assassinated...

Appointment of Iraj Masjedi, a War Criminal, as Iranian Ambassador to Iraq

Today March 15, 2017 Struan Stevenson, President of European Iraqi Freedom Association (EIFA), issued a press release, concerning the appointment of a war criminal,...

Iran’s Relations With Al-Qaeda: Al Arabiya

NCRI - Iran is attempting to transfer the $1.6 billion frozen in Luxembourg. This money, according to a U.S. court ruling, has been frozen to...