Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Syrian Opposition in Geneva: Iran Regime Is an Invading Force and an Enemy

NCRI - While denouncing the Iranian regime’s interventions in Syria, a member of the Syrian opposition delegation in Geneva and spokesman for the Syrian Free...

Blacklisting IRGC Is the First and Necessary Step in Curbing Iran Regime’s Atrocities

NCRI - The following speech was made by Struan Stevenson, President of the European Iraqi Freedom Association (EIFA), in the Norwegian Parliament, Oslo, on...

Washington Will Not Allow for Iran Regime to Exploit Yemeni Territory

Yemeni Diplomat: Washington Aware of Size of Iranian Involvement in Yemen Riyadh – Yemeni ambassador to the United States Ahmed Awad Bin Mubarak confirmed...

British House of Commons Debate: Iran Regime Is the Number One State Sponsor of...

NCRI - At a debate in the House of Commons regarding Iran’s influence in the Middle East on March 22, Dr Matthew Offord MP...

Inaction Will Only Embolden the Iranian Regime

Iran’s Latest Intransigence Reason for IRGC Terror Designation Iran is once again capturing headlines following more provocative ballistic missile tests in the Strait of...

Arab League Warns Iran Over Its Intervention in the Region

NCRI - 28th Arab League summit started Wednesday March 29 in the Dead Sea region in Jordan. In his speech at the summit, Yemen’s president...

Sanctions Relief on Iran Regime, a Cash Windfall for Its Terrorist Proxies Across the...

Forecast: Increasing Isolation for Iran After enjoying eight “golden” years of President Barack Obama’s all-out appeasement approach, the mullahs in Iran are feeling the...

Iranian Regime’s Continued Intervention in Neighboring Countries Denounced

NCRI - The Arab Ministerial Quartet Committee, tasked with following up the developments of the crisis with the Iranian regime, denounced on Monday the regime’s...

Iran Regime Sends More Weapons for Houthi Militias in Yemen

NCRI - Faced with new advancements of Yemen’s national army, the Iranian regime has stepped up sending weapons and munitions for Houthi militias, says Dr....

Tunisia Condemned Iran Regime for Its Scheme to Destabilize Bahrain

NCRI - As the Bahraini authorities arrested the group planning to launch terrorist operations in the country, Tunisia strongly condemned all measures leading to destabilizing...