Tuesday, July 16, 2024
iran drone ukraine ali bagheri kani (1)

Newly Leaked Documents Expose Iran’s ‘Drone Crisis’ and Regime’s Deceptive Tactics

Despite repeated denials by its top officials, the Iranian regime is heavily involved in the war in Ukraine, according to documents obtained by the...
iran ukraine war analysis (1)

Leaked Documents Expose Iranian Regime’s Exploitation of Ukraine Crisis for Strategic Gain

The very fact that the terrorist regime in Iran survives and thrives from war and destruction, has once again been proved by documents that...
iran mois proposal esmail khatib ebrahim raisi (1)

Leaked Communication by MOIS Chief Reveals Tehran’s Psychological Warfare Tactics

Within the extensive collection of leaked information acquired by the dissident group known as "GhyamSarnegouni," there exists a noteworthy document that provides insight into...
iran mokhber khamenei bashar assad

Leaked Documents Show Tehran Spent Billions to Support Assad’s Regime 

  A “top-secret” document revealed during the recent takeover of the Iranian regime’s secured Presidential servers and websites confirms how the ruling theocracy has squandered...
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Exclusive Report: Iranian Regime’s Covert Methods to Circumvent Sanctions 

For decades, the Iranian Resistance has warned the world community about how Tehran circumvents international sanctions imposed on it due to its malign activities....
irgc khamenei iran mining

Documents Acquired by NCRI Expose IRGC’s Dominance on Iran’s Mining Industry

In a new episode of "Facts from Behind the Scenes," broadcasted by Simaye Azadi, an Iranian opposition TV network, Mr. Hassan Nezamolmolki, discussed classified...
ncri us office alireza jafarzadeh conference 31052023

Exclusive: Iranian Opposition Exposes Petrochemical Company Financing Regime’s Terrorism and Oppression 

On May 31, 2023, the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) exposed classified documents obtained by the social network of the main opposition...
Iranian diplomat-terrorist Aassadolah Assadi

The Release of Assadollah Assadi: Europe’s Dangerous Gamble With Tehran’s State Terrorism

In a recent development, the Omani government disclosed its role in facilitating a prisoner exchange between Belgium and Iran's regime. However, the release of...
ali shamkhani ali akbar ahmadian iran nsc (1)

Iran: Why Was SNSC Chief Ali Shamkhani Replaced With Ali Akbar Ahmadian?  

  On Monday, it was officially announced that Ali Shamkhani, The Secretary of the Iranian regime’s Supreme National Security Council (SNSC), has been replaced by...
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Khamenei Urges for More Deceptive Foreign Policy in His Latest Speech 

On May 20, the Iranian regime’s supreme leader, Ali Khamenei, met ambassadors and officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In this meeting, Khamenei...