Only a Day After Warnings, Iran Regime’s IRGC Starts Missile Tests


IRGC Commander: “We will not stop enhancement of our capability specially the missile industry” 

Only a day after a senior official of the United States of America warned about Iran’s missile tests, Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) announced the start of a new Missile Drill in Semnan east of Tehran.

Iran regime’s military drill is being conducted in Semnan while, earlier Iran’s controversial missile tests also were held around the same city.

State run Fars news agency reported on February 4, that: Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Aerospace Force kicked off massive military drills dubbed ‘Modafe’an Harim-e Aseman Velayat’ (Defenders of the Velayat Skies) in Semnan province in Northern Iran on Saturday.

The massive drills are being held in an area of 35,000 square kilometers, and are aimed at demonstrating Iran’s power, intelligence command, and defense readiness to counter any threats.

Different types of missile and radar systems, which are designed and manufactured by Iranian experts and engineers with diverse ranges, were used during the exercises.

The radar systems also used in the massive drills included long-range Qadir radar system with a tracking range of up to 1,100 kilometers, Matla al-Fajr radar system with a range of 500 kilometers and capable of tracking different kinds of aircraft and drones and Kavosh radar system with a range of 150 kilometers and capable of tracking air threats at low altitudes, including cruise missiles and different aircraft.

In late January, Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps Aerospace Force Brigadier General Amir Ali Hajizadeh announced that his forces will take part in a massive military drill in the near future.

“The main aim of the upcoming war game is to display IRGC’s capabilities in producing the him-made military equipment,” General Hajizadeh said, addressing a ceremony in the Northeastern city of Sabzevar.

No matter what the enemies do and even if they try to impose restrictions on Iran, “we will not stop enhancement of our capability, knowledge and production in defense fields, specially the missile industry”, Hajizadeh said, addressing Iranian university officials and professors in Tehran.

Hajizadeh had also announced earlier this month that the country has increased the number of its ballistic missiles, while increasing their precision-striking capability.

“In addition to enhancing the precision-striking power and quality of ballistic missiles, the Iranian authorities and experts have used innovative and shortcut methods to produce inexpensive missiles and today, we are witnessing an increase in production (of ballistic missiles),” General Hajizadeh said in Tehran.

His remarks came after Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Hossein Dehqan underlined that his country sees no limit for the range of the ballistic missiles that it is developing.

“We don’t have any limit for the range of liquid or solid-fueled ballistic missiles,” Dehqan said in a meeting in the Central city of Isfahan in August.

He underlined the indigenous nature of most Iranian weapons and military equipment, and said, “90 percent of the country’s defense systems have reached an acceptable standard and enjoy competitive quality compared with the weapons of advanced countries; production of the national individual weapons and efforts to improve the quality and precision-striking power of ballistic missiles are among the defense ministry’s achievements in the defense field.”

General Dehqan added that Iranian experts have also taken long strides in building satellites, satellite carriers, missile launch pads and research work in defense areas.

His remarks came as the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) fired 2 home-made ‘Qadr H’ ballistic missiles from the Eastern Alborz Mountains at a target in Iran’s Southeastern Makran seashore some 1400km away in March.

The missiles were fired on the sidelines of the main stage of the IRGC drills in Central Iran and various parts of the country.

One missile had a message written on it that said in Hebrew: “Israel should be wiped off the Earth”.
Qadr is a 2000km-range, liquid-fuel and ballistic missile which can reach territories as far as Israel.
The missile can carry different types of ‘Blast’ and ‘MRV’ (Multiple Reentry Vehicle) payloads to destroy a range of targets. The new version of Qadr H can be launched from mobile platforms or silos in different positions and can escape missile defense shields due to their radar-evading capability.

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