On Anniversary of Soleimani’s Death Iran’s Authorities Threaten World Community, Showing Regime’s Terrorist Nature

Ebrahim Raisi, the regime’s Judiciary Chief (left) and Iran’s terror-mastermind, Qassem Soleimani

January 3 marks the first anniversary of the elimination of Iran’s terror-mastermind, Qassem Soleimani. The Iranian regime’s officials issued terrorist threats on the anniversary of Soleimani’s death, underlining the regime’s terrorist nature.

Ebrahim Raisi, the regime’s Judiciary Chief, on Friday said: “The enemy should wait for harsh revenge. They should wait for harsh revenge.” While calling Iran’s terrorist proxy groups “resistance forces,” Raisi said, “they will determine when and where to take [Soleimani’s] revenge.” “Those who played a part in this crime will have no safety in any place around the globe. The resistance forces have this iron will to take revenge,” Raisi added.

Raisi, one of the main perpetrators of the 1988 massacre of over 30,000 political prisoners, raisiunderlined the regime’s intention to continue spreading terrorism in the region, calling it “power.”

“The power Haj Qassem Soleimani created in the region should not vanish,” he said.
On January 3, Qassem Soleimani, chief of the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) Quds Force, and Abu Mehdi al-Muhandis, head of the Iraqi Popular Mobilization Force (PMF), were killed in a U.S. drone strike near Baghdad airport.

Ebrahim Raisi (2nd from right), Qassem Soleimani (3rd from right) and Abu Mehdi al-Muhandis (1st from left) in a gathering in Mashhad, Iran – 2018

Before Raisi, Ali Khamenei, the regime’s Supreme Leader, praised Soleimani and his murderous actions. “The perpetrators of the murder of General Soleimani will answer for their crimes, and [Soleimani] will be avenged. This could happen at any time, anywhere,” he said on December 14, in a meeting with Soleimani’s family.

Due to Soleimani’s crimes in Iran and abroad, people celebrated his death in many countries, including Iran, Iraq, and Syria. Palestinian and Iraqi nationals reiterated their hatred of Soleimani and the regime this year by tearing down his pictures. In Iran, defiant youth have been torching Soleimani’s banners throughout the last year, echoing people’s hatred toward this eliminated war criminal.

Yet, the regime’s officials and mullahs’ apologists consider Soleimani a “hero” and praise him.

Esmail Ghaani, Soleimani’s successor in the Quds Force, on Friday issued threats, underlining that despite Soleimani’s elimination, which was a major blow to Tehran’s terrorist apparatus, the regime’s terrorism has not ended.

“Those involved in martyr Soleimani’s assassination should learn to live secretly like Salman Rushdie. Because the Islamic Republic will take revenge for Soleimani’s blood,” he said.

Ruhollah Khomeini, the regime’s previous Supreme Leader, issued a fatwa to kill British-Indian writer Salman Rushdie in 1989. Several attempts were made on Rushdie’s life based on Khomeini’s fatwa, and current supreme leader, Ali Khamenei, reaffirmed it in 2005.

In addition to Ghaani, the regime’s so-called “moderate president,” Hassan Rouhani, said Soleimani and Muhandis were “precious souls for us.”

“In the last 37-38 years, I spoke for hundreds or maybe a thousand hours with [Soleimani]. We had discussions in the last 40 years. He was very confident when it came to dangerous plans and was always ready,” Rouhani said. He also threatened the United States president of being “toppled from life within weeks.”

Soleimani is responsible for killing thousands of innocents in Syria to prop up Bashar-al Assad’s dictatorship since the beginning of the Syrian war in 2011. He formed and sent many proxy groups, consisting of foreign fighters to Syria, killing people. Soleimani also played an important role in exporting the regime’s terrorism in the regions including in Iraq and Lebanon by creating and funding terrorist proxy groups.

On Sunday, December 27, Hassan Nasrallah, chief of Hezbollah, praised Soleimani for his “logistical support” for Hezbollah, adding that Soleimani did not recognize “any red lines” in sending 9M133 Kornet missiles to Gaza for Hamas and the Islamic Jihad. Nasrallah acknowledged that after the 33-day war in 2006, when 200,000 homes were destroyed in Lebanon, Soleimani paid one years’ worth of rent and expenses of the families who lost their homes.

Despite Soleimani’s crimes, the regime’s top leaders continue praising him for his role in exporting terrorism and chaos abroad and preserving the regime’s so-called strategic depth.

On Monday, Mohsen Baharvand, Deputy Minister of Legal and International Affairs to Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, highlighted Zarif’s close relationship with Soleimani. Baharvand underlined that there is no difference between the terror master and the regime’s chief demagogue Zarif.

“General Soleimani regularly came to the study office at 6 am on Tuesdays and had a coordination meeting with Dr. Zarif until 7:30,” Baharvand said.

Zarif and Soleimani coordinated on exporting terrorism.

Final words

Recent threats by the regime’s leaders show although Soleimani’s death was a major blow to the regime’s terrorism machine, terrorism is an inseparable part of the religious fascism. Rouhani’s remarks, and Baharvand confessing to regular visits between Zarif and Soleimani, show there is no difference between the so-called “moderates” and those regime leaders who are openly involved in terrorism.

November 27 and December 3 marked the historic trial in Belgium of Iran’s incarcerated diplomat-terrorist Assadollah Assadi and his co-conspirators for their attempt to bomb the opposition rally in 2018 in Europe.

As Assadi’s superior authority, Zarif facilitated this crime by granting diplomatic privileges to Assadi to transfer the bomb from Iran to Europe and was fully aware of this operation. Zarif ordered Assadi not to appear in the court and to question the Belgian court’s legitimacy and claim diplomatic immunity.

Zarif also tried to whitewash this crime and called the thwarted bomb plot a “false flag operation,” while his diplomat was caught red-handed.

Why wouldn’t Zarif and his agent ask for diplomatic immunity, undermine Belgium’s Judiciary, and deny the operation, when European leaders promote negotiations with Zarif and his regime? The European Union’s leaders not only harm the Iranian people by helping this brutal regime and signing economic deals with it but endanger the security of their own citizens when they maintain their relationship with the regime and its chief apologists Zarif.

The EU’s inaction encouraged the regime to try to plant a bomb in the heart of Europe. The persistence of this inaction emboldened the regime to issued death threats and continue its malign activities in the region. It is time for EU leaders to stop the appeasement policy, shut down the mullahs’ embassies in Europe, expel Iran’s agents, and sanction Zarif and all other officials for their roles in terrorism and human rights violations.

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