Officials at Ahmadinejad’s office arrested

NCRI – Amid the growing fissures at the apex of the clerical regime in Iran, state-run media have reported arrests of “high-ranking officials of the presidential office.”

On Wednesday, the state-run Fars news agency identified one of those arrested by his first initial and said, last night ‘K’, a high-ranking official of the regime’s presidential office, was arrested in relation to producing CDs with religious content in support of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the mullahs’ President.

The Aleft website, which is close to one of the regime’s Majlis (Parliament) deputies, identified the individual as Kiapasha, who was an official advisor to Esfandiar Rahim Mashai when the latter controlled the cultural organization of Tehran and the tourism organization. Mashai is currently one of Ahmadinejad’s top advisors.

Alef added, “Among others who are being sought out is someone by the name of Hossein N., who is responsible for all of the media-related activities of the misguided grouplet affiliated with the government.”

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