Nuclear weapons help Iranian regime’s global network of terrorism, Canadian paper warns

NCRI – The Canadian daily Free Press on Saturday highlighted the Iranian regime’s terrorist meddling in Iraq and other countries in the Middle East, writing that such meddling is also palpable at the international level.

In its report, Canada Free Press sketched a brief history of the clerical regime’s global terrorism since its founder Khomeini ascended to power in 1979, after which, the regime established a presence in Lebanon and Palestine and extended its reach into Iraq and Afghanistan.

“The Iranian plan for Iraq is nothing new,” Canada Free Press wrote. “Since the first days of the 1979 revolution, Iranian intelligence fomented trouble in the Shia areas of Iraq.”

The Iranian regime’s proxies, the paper added, “had struggled to establish an Islamist state in Mesopotamia since the 1960s.” The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) trained the Badr Brigade and the Supreme Council for Islamic Revolution in Iraq.
Free Press also pointed to the regime’s role in exporting terrorism and fundamentalism to other parts of the world, including Yemen, and wrote, “The threat from Iran goes far beyond its pursuit of nuclear weapons. … From a U.S. counterterrorism perspective, the threats posed by Iran and its global terrorist network are considerable.”
The addition of nuclear weapons into this global network adds to the danger, the paper concluded.

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