Norwegian minister criticizes regime for exporting terror

NCRI – Norway’s Minister of Justice has accused the Iranian regime of exporting terrorism abroad and said his country will not issue visas to mullahs who are sent by the Iranian regime to incite terrorism and violent acts in Norway, according to al-Arabiya TV’s website on Thursday.

In an interview with Norway’s official TV channel, Knut Storberget voiced deep frustration over the Iranian regime’s destructive influence in Norway and added, “Mullahs who come from Iran and who train others in terrorist operations can be denied visas.”

The Norwegian justice minister added, “The fact that these individuals encourage others to perpetrate violent acts is definitely unlawful and warrants prosecution.”

Last week, Norway’s NRK TV station aired a report about the activities of Majma’ Ahl-e Beyt, an organ tasked with exporting the Iranian regime’s terrorism. The report accused the clerical regime of sending reactionary clerics to Norway to encourage violence and hate propaganda.

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