New Force Established to Confront Iran’s Proxy Militias


NCRI – Following the recent Riyadh conference a new military forces has been established with 34,000 troops to fight terrorism in Syria and Iraq.

“The idea of establishing this army was in the making, yet it had never become practical. The goal is to defeat terrorism and ISIS, and filling the void afterwards. Currently, there are many Iraqi forces filling in the void after ISIS. But they are Hashid al-Shabi (Popular Mobilization Units) proxies, nearing 100,000 in numbers and they are religiously motivated. They are completely associated to Iran’s Revolutionary Guards and IRGC commanders are taking part in their military and PMU attacks. The countries in this coalition have expressed their enmity against Iran, sectarianism and this regime’s arms in Iraq,” said Mohamed Mojahed Azziyat, a member of the Egyptian Parliament Foreign Affairs Committee, in an interview with Sky News Arabic on Wednesday.

“I focus on this issue that this force will confront those in Iraq and Syria. In Syria there are many militia groups, and it is not only al-Qaeda and ISIS. In fact, the main goal in establishing this force was to confront the forces and militias supported by Iran in Syria,” he added.

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