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Mullahs’ regime’s vain effort to prevent imminent fall of Assad

NCRI : On Sunday evening, December 16, mullahs’ regime hurriedly and in fear of imminent fall of Syrian dictator, proposed a six-item plan trying in vain and helplessly to seek some way to rescue Assad and to save the interests of religious fascism in Syria. This plan, being ridiculed by FSA, Syrian dissidents and international parties, calls for “immediate halt to all types of violence and military actions under UN supervision” and “peaceful solution of crises aimed at creating an appropriate ground for leaving Syrian crisis behind”, and adds, “at this juncture, the government and all armed groups should immediately stop military actions, especially in residential areas.”

This feeble call is being made at the same time that news media affiliated to the regime have been continuously broadcasting empty rhetoric of  Salehi, regime’s foreign minister, that the Iranian regime “shall not allow the West’s plan for overthrowing Syrian president Bashar al-Assad through direct military meddling and by sending arms and dispatching armed people” and “Iran will not let Assad fall.” (Al-Alam; Javan daily, affiliated to IRGC- December 16)

In less than 24 hours, Salehi said hastily in an interview with the state-run news agency IRNA: “Even assuming that these countries might achieve their goal, how can they maintain their goals durably while so much blood is shed… It’s impossible to imagine the extent of devastations and slaughter in Syria.”

But, the fact is that continuous advances of FSA is promising  the prospect of Syrian dictator’s fall in near future, while no option has been left for Assad’s regime and the Velayat-e faqih regime in Iran that has employed all its resources in war against the Syrian people.

On various occasions Khamenei had emphasized in private meetings with the regime’s officials to support Assad with all resources to the end. Mohammad Ali Ja’fari, head of IRGC, had boasted officially and openly about regime’s criminal war-mongering in Syria (September 16). Regime’s officials blatantly acknowledged to the fact that with Assad’s fall, the siege against the regime would become more tightened. The editorial of the daily affiliated to Khamenei’s band wrote on November 19, “If today Hezbollah’s drones over Tel Aviv, Haifa, Ashdod and …are taking images and engage in data collection, the equipment and parts of these Iranian drones have primarily  been transferred through Syria into Lebanon. The geographical separation between the chains of the resistance will eventually weaken Iran and Hezbollah in Lebanon and will bring the security and intelligence gathering of the Zionist regime   to the edge of the borders of the Islamic Republic “.


Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran

December 17, 2012