Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Mullahs’ despairing remarks

NCRI – The Iranian regime in an outrageous comment on Saturday November 28 claimed that the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI) had planned to highjack an Iranian regime aircraft en route from Tehran to Damascus. The Fars News Agency, affiliated with the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corp (IRGC) while quoting Ramezan Sharif, head of IRGC Public Relations, wrote, “This act was carried out by PMOI while the EU is looking to” delist the name of this organization from the terrorist list. In a ridiculous remark he said, “Due to the fact that Ahmadinejad’s trip to Lebanon and the visit of the Lebanese Prime Minister to Tehran ‘upset the Zionist regime in the region,’ ‘officials of the Zionist regime and the US were looking to spread propaganda in the media, at the hands of the Monafeqin (derogatory term used by the regime for PMOI), to overshadow these two trips’.”


This is while the MEHR News Agency affiliated with the Intelligence Ministry, quoting the Islamic Republic Aviation Company, implicitly admitted that this was only a set up and wrote: “The individual accused of the highjacking did not have anything (cold or warm weapon) in his possession, and it seems that the act was due to his mental disorder.”

With these contradictory and ridiculous reports, it appears that it is the Iranian regime that is suffering from disorder caused by succession of international support for Ashraf. One of the regime’s officials, Shahriari, who is a member of the parliament’s Security and Foreign Relations Committee protested yesterday to US and European support for the PMOI “as a dead group” saying, “This forgotten group must not be reborn with such news coverage. We should not at all speak about these issues, since these kinds of American conspiracies, as in the past, will lead to nowhere.”

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
November 29, 201