Mullahs’ Assembly of Experts demands more suppression of uprisings

NCRI – The regime’s Assembly of Experts has issued a statement expressing concerns about the continuation of the popular uprisings and demanding retribution against protestors, according to reports.

The state-run Mehr news agency said on Wednesday that in a statement issued at the end of its biannual session, the Assembly of Experts called the protests the “continuous sedition of hypocrites.”


It added, “riots, unrest and insults” would be considered “acting in line with the sworn enemies of the establishment.”

The statement referred to the February 14 uprising and said, “We strongly call on the judiciary to put on trial and punish the leaders of sedition and the main culprits of unrest as quickly as possible.”

In another part of the statement, the mullahs’ Assembly of Experts urged the regime’s factions to end their differences and forge a unity for the sake of the embattled regime.

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