Motion Tabled at UK Parliament to Blacklist Iran Regime’s Revolutionary Guards

NCRI Staff

NCRI – A new motion has been tabled at the United Kingdom Parliament calling on the British government to blacklist the Iranian regime’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) as a terrorist organization.

Early Day Motion 483 was tabled on October 31, 2017 by Bob Blackman MP and has already received cross-party support by nearly two dozen of Britain’s lawmakers.

EDM 483 states: “That this House joins the Government to express serious concerns over the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) role in human rights violations in Iran and support for terrorism abroad, including destabilising activities in the region and reports of Iran’s links and backing of military and proscribed groups.”

The EDM “notes that the IRGC is actively involved in slaughtering the people of Syria to keep the dictator Assad in power and recruits child soldiers and refugees from Afghanistan and trains them to become terrorist fighters.”

It adds that “senior IRGC commanders are on Interpol’s Red Notice list for acts of international terrorism including the 1994 bombing of a Jewish community centre in Buenos Aires” and it “reiterates that the IRGC only answers to the Supreme Leader and is responsible for suppression of Iranian people including the 2009 uprising, crackdown on human rights defenders, activists, journalists and anti-death penalty campaigners as well as arbitrary arrests of dual citizens.”

The motion “further notes IRGC’s role in assassinating Iranian dissidents abroad, including members of the main opposition coalition, PMOI (MEK) and NCRI” and it “recognises IRGC’s involvement in Iran’s ballistic missile and nuclear programme.”

It “takes into account that the IRGC is considered a terrorist group by international allies including the US” and it shares “the Government’s view that IRGC’s support for terrorism undermines prospects for regional security and lasting peace in the region.”

The EDM “calls on the Government to include the IRGC on the list of proscribed organisations, impose punitive measures against its officials and to work with allies to expel the IRGC from Syria, Iraq and the Middle East.”

The full text of EDM 483 and the list of signatories to date is available on the UK Parliament website:

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