Michel Kilo: Iran Regime Is the Number One Loser of Any Political Solution in Syria


NCRI – Syrian opposition figure Michel Kilo In an interview with Saudi Arabian press agency ‘Ilaf’, said: the Iran regime is the first loser of any political solution in Syria.

He said: Iranian regime will lose whatever gained since 1980 if a political solution is obtained, that is the reason, Iran does not settle for it, Iran is striving for military solution and as such is trying to create obstacles in front of any peaceful agreement.

Michel Kilo also said: the Russian government is looking for a intermediate solution in Syria, that will lead eventually to the overthrow of the Assad regime. Thus, the regimes in Iran and Syria both try to defeat whatever have been done for a political solution.

He stressed: We, as the opposition force, do not want any role for Iranian regime, this regime is ‘occupier’ and must be expelled from Syria.

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