McMaster: Iran Regime Is One of the Most Serious Threats to US National Security


NCRI Staff

NCRI – US National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster has placed Russia and China in the same grouping as the Iranian Regime, North Korea, and global terrorist organizations like the so-called Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL), in terms of threats to the US’s national security.

At the Reagan National Defense Forum on Saturday, when discussing the national security challenges that Donald Trump had inherited from previous administrations, McMaster said: “Revisionist powers — Russia and China — are subverting the post-World II political, economic, and security orders to advance their own interests at our expense and at the expense of our allies. The rogue regimes of Iran and North Korea are violating the sovereignty of their neighbours, pursuing weapons of mass destruction and exporting terror to other nations. Jihadist terrorist organization’s such as ISIS threaten all civilized people in every corner of the world.”

This is very concerning because of the ways in which these national security threats are interacting with each other.

The Iranian Regime has been working with Russia in Syria, where both have deployed troops on behalf of Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad to prop up the brutal Regime.

The Iranian Regime has also been working with North Korea on its intercontinental ballistic missile and nuclear programmes- in spite of American and international sanctions- in order to subvert the 2015 nuclear pact which requires the Iranian Regime not to develop its nuclear programme. McMaster described the North Korean nuclear programme as “the greatest immediate threat to the United States and to the world”, which means that so is the Iranian Regime.

The White House National Security Council (NSC) leader said that Trump was in a similar position to Ronald Reagan in 1981 in the midst of the Cold War and vowed that Trump’s national security strategy would allow the US to reclaim its strategic confidence that it lost under previous administrations.

Of the Iranian Regime and others, McMaster said: “These national security challenges also require a dramatic rethinking of American foreign policy of from previous decades. President Trump will soon unveil the details of his new strategy, but I can tell you now that it will focus on the protection our homeland, advancing American prosperity, preserving peace through strength … and finally enhancing American influence.”

McMaster said that the Trump administration would regain its strategic confidence in four areas.

He explained: “First, the values that define our nation; second, the full instruments that define our power; third, the threats facing our nation; and fourth, the dynamic and competitive nature of our security environment.”

As the deadline for Congress’ decision on reimposing sanctions on the Iranian Regime is fast approaching, it might be a good idea to advocate harsh sanctions.

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