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Maryam Rajavi Urges Banning Iran Regime’s Secret Services

Maryam Rajavi Urges Banning Iran Regime’s Secret Services

A former Interior and Justice Minister of the Iranian regime and longtime representative of their Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) revealed new information on Tuesday on the service and its close ties to the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC).

Mostafa Pourmohammadi, a former Minister of Interior and MOIS representative in the 1988 Death Commissions confirmed that the MOIS is essentially formed from elements of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, which was listed as a Foreign Terrorist Organization by the US State Department in April 2019.

In her video message to 15000 Iranians gathered in a huge rally in Berlin on Saturday, July 6, the NCRI’s president-elect Maryam Rajavi urged the EU to curb MOIS and IRGC activities in Europe.

“Exactly one year ago, Germany arrested a so-called diplomat of the regime who had personally handed explosives to two terrorists to use against the Resistance’s grand gathering in Paris. Before and after that, the German Police has arrested over three years a dozen mercenaries and terrorists who had ties with the terrorist Quds Force and the Ministry of Intelligence. A number of them were tried and imprisoned by the German Judiciary,” Maryam Rajavi affirmed.

She stressed that the “prosecution, punishment and expulsion of the mercenaries of the Iranian Intelligence Ministry and the Revolutionary Guard Corps, as well as the EU’s declaration of April 29, 1997 must be implemented and enforced.”

In an interview published on July 9, 2019 on the state-run Jamaran website, the mullahs’ former Interior Minister was quoted as saying: “While the IRGC was shedding blood in the (Iran-Iraq) war front, forces belonging to its intelligence branch were fighting the Mujahideen-e-Khalq Organization (MEK) and other opposition groups inside the country. The same forces have now gathered in the MOIS along others to form this Ministry, to which I personally attached in 1987.”

Following the arrest of Assadollah Assadi, MOIS station chief in Vienna in July 2018 in the course of the foiled bombing attempt against the MEK near Paris, the EU listed the said diplomat-terrorist as well as his superior, Saeid Hashemi Moghadam, along with the internal security branch of the MOIS as terrorist entities in January 2019.