Maliki’s crony: Iraq has no responsibility towards the life of Camp Liberty residents

NCRI – An Iraqi MP close to Iraqi Prime Minister says the Government of Iraq has no responsibility towards the life of Camp Liberty residents and does not recognize them as political refugees.
Remarks by Mohamad al-Hendavi, an MP from the Government of Law coalition headed by Nouri al-Maliki were published by two websites affiliated to Iranian regime’s Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) on February 11, 2013, two days after the deadly rocket attack on Camp Liberty that so far has killed seven of residents and injured 100 more.
Al-Hendavi was quoted by the websites as saying: “We may be forced to turn over the members of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) to the Iranian regime.”

Another Iraqi official stated to Associated Press on the day of attack that the Government of Iraq “can not prevent rocket attacks on Camp Liberty.”

The remarks are further confirmation of the fact that the Government of Iraq is directly involved in the attacks on Iranian refugees in Camp Liberty.

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