Main suspect in the assassination of former Lebanese PM in Tehran, German sources say

NCRI – Intelligence officials in Berlin have said that the main suspect of the assassination of Lebanon’s former prime minister Rafiq Hariri have been sent to Iran from Lebanon, the Kuwaiti daily al-Seyassah wrote on Saturday.

Citing German intelligence officials, al-Seyassah wrote, “Two weeks ago, after international investigations zoomed in on Hezbollah commanders, Mostafa Badraddin, the main suspect in the assassination of Rafiq Hariri, who is a member of Hezbollah and used to be the right hand man of Emad Moqnieh, was transferred on an Iranian plane, along with a number of other Hezbollah leaders, to Damascus and later to Tehran from Lebanon’s Biqa Valley.”

The Kuwaiti daily cited its sources as saying that those transferred to Iran were members of the Iranian regime’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), and wrote, “One of the delegates of Naim Qassem, who is the deputy of Hezbollah’s secretary general, and one of the companions of Hassan Nasrallah were subjected to questioning [during an international probe into the assassination]. Then, on July 20, they were transferred to Tehran. They are now protected by the Iranian regime’s IRGC, where they were members all along.”

The al-Seyassah report relies on European parliamentary sources and a German intelligence report which was brought forward at the NATO summit in Brussels as well as the European Parliament’s foreign, security an intelligence committees in Strasburg.

According to the sources, “Most of Hezbollah’s second-tier commanders who were questioned for their links to Rafiq Hariri’s assassination have been taken to either Syria or Iran.”

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