Leaked Communication by MOIS Chief Reveals Tehran’s Psychological Warfare Tactics

iran mois proposal esmail khatib ebrahim raisi (1)

Within the extensive collection of leaked information acquired by the dissident group known as “GhyamSarnegouni,” there exists a noteworthy document that provides insight into the regime’s efforts to manipulate public opinion in Western countries. Drawing inspiration from the Rewards for Justice Program implemented by the United States Department of State, the Ministry of Intelligence (MOIS) of the regime devised a strategic plan encompassing multiple objectives.

Contained within a proposal obtained and subsequently disclosed by the dissident group, MOIS Chief Esmail Khatib communicated to President Ebrahim Raisi that the RFJ Program aimed to accomplish the following:

Certain portions of the proposal are translated below:


Proposal for the approval of the “Reward for Justice Program by the Islamic Republic of Iran”
Institute for Strategic Reviews- Highly Confidential -April 2022



American authorities and the Zionist regime have offered multimillion-dollar rewards for information about individuals whom they perceive as serious threats to international peace and security, or as threats to their national security. Additionally, they have allocated millions of dollars in rewards for certain resistance commanders, both Iranian and non-Iranian.

The media coverage increased following the martyrdom of the esteemed brother, Hassan Irlu, a prominent fighter and influential ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Yemen. The controversy began when certain Iranian media outlets identified the martyr Irlu as Abdolreza Shahlai. In response, the US State Department clarified that Irlu and Shahlai are two distinct individuals, and the reward for information regarding Shahlai is still valid. The issue at hand is that the enemies have consistently offered rewards for commanders, whereas we have not taken a proactive approach to obtain information about the terrorists and criminals affiliated with the United States and the Zionist regime, nor have we made a counteroffer. Therefore, it is essential:

To establish rewards for gathering information about specific military commanders and officials from the American and Zionist regimes in response to their actions, and to raise awareness of this situation globally through mass communication channels.

This program, known as the “ Reward for Justice Program of the Islamic Republic of Iran,” is based on the following principles:


The Proposed Objectives of the Reward for Justice Program in the Islamic Republic of Iran

The main objectives of the proposed Reward for Justice Program in the Islamic Republic of Iran are to offer financial incentives for obtaining information about criminals, particularly American commanders and officials, the Zionist regime, and commanders of terrorist groups. These objectives can be summarized as follows:

  1. Psychological Operation:

The primary aim of the reward program is to conduct psychological operations and induce perceptual changes within the targeted society. It seeks to have a significant impact on public opinion and the leaders and policymakers of the United States and the Zionist regime. Among friendly public opinion, it aims to demonstrate the authority of the Islamic Republic of Iran in confronting its enemies and emphasize Iran’s seriousness in countering America and the Zionist regime. This will encourage cooperation from a diverse range of people, including Shiites, Sunnis, the oppressed, and freedom seekers, who will work together with the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Resistance Axis. They will use their resources and capabilities to achieve the goals outlined in the Reward for Justice Program and contribute to the realization of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Critical and opposing public opinion will recognize the seriousness of Iran and the Resistance Axis in defending their interests and confronting their enemies.

In relation to the commanders and policymakers of the United States and the Zionist regime, including military officials, commanders, intelligence personnel, and agents, the reward program can be seen as a deterrent. It highlights that this program will make these individuals more cautious in their policies and actions. Moreover, given the material nature of relationships in Western societies, it further fosters distrust among them. For example, according to a report by the Associated Press quoted by Radio Farda, the US government has been spending $2 million per month for the 24-hour protection of former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and former Special Representative for Iran Affairs Brian Hook. Between August 2021 and February this year, more than $13 million were allocated to protect these two senior American officials from foreign threats related to the Iranian government.

In general, the Islamic Republic of Iran’s Reward for Justice Program does not solely focus on obtaining positive information about individuals or subjects. Rather, it uses psychological operations and perceptual effects to influence the targeted individuals and actors involved in order to bolster Iran’s position and achieve its objectives.


  1. Using Information Benefits

Another objective behind the determination of financial rewards is to harness the benefits of information. An illustrative example sheds light on the exploitation of information benefits within the Islamic Republic of Iran’s Reward for Justice Program. In recent times, certain users in cyberspace have come across a small advertisement written in Farsi, offering lucrative job opportunities and excellent benefits to qualified candidates. These ads appear prominently in cyberspace, particularly in certain web browsers, and advertise Internet censorship circumvention tools, as well as when installing programs and games from Google Play on Android phones. It appears that these ads aim to gather information and conduct surveillance in Iran. Preliminary investigations suggest that an Israeli security contractor company, operating under a contract with Google, randomly sends these recruitment advertisements to Farsi-speaking individuals in an attempt to recruit spies.

This is not the first instance of the Zionist regime attempting to gather information from the Islamic Republic of Iran, both directly and through various media channels and resources at its disposal. The story of the missing Israeli pilot, “Ran Arad,” serves as an example of the Zionist spy agency’s information trap, designed to gather intelligence, and establish communication with the social fabric of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The regime that occupied Quds utilizes Western-affiliated news networks, groups like the “hypocrites,” monarchist factions, etc. to employ media fanfare such as providing phone and fax numbers and establishing a foundation named “Freedom in London” to manipulate the situation surrounding this Israeli pilot and influence public opinion.

Amidst these efforts, some opportunistic individuals within the country make calls to the announced numbers with the intention of extortion, aiming to connect themselves to the aforementioned information network in order to receive a reward. Unfortunately, each of these people becomes a pawn in the hands of the Israeli spy service. The hidden objectives behind this process have been interpreted as an intelligence tactic employed by the Mossad intelligence agency, with the “Ran Arad” case being seen as an intelligence cover designed to gather information from the country.

Some time ago, the American embassy in Iraq publicized a phone number, urging Iraqis to report any information they had regarding the Hashd al-Shaabi forces and the perpetrators of the rocket attack on the American embassy. In response, Iraqi resistance groups reverse-engineered the provided details and successfully identified a number of Iraqi traitors.

In any case, if this program and its communication channels are designed with adequate protection measures in mind, it has the potential to serve as a platform for identifying and attracting the cooperation of talented individuals who have access to valuable information. However, it is crucial not to overlook the threat of adversaries employing reverse engineering techniques and seizing control of insider communication channels. Such actions could lead to the identification of cooperative forces with Iran and the Resistance Axis, posing significant risks.


Implementation Method of Financial Payments

The implementation of financial payments is a crucial aspect of the Reward for Justice Program for the Islamic Republic of Iran. The following mechanisms can be considered:

The first approach involves allocating a specific amount in the country’s annual budget to support the Reward for Justice Program. This portion, which takes place during the annual budget review, should be carefully considered to avoid undermining the system’s goals and ideals in its fight against Global Arrogance. Economic conditions and the counter-revolution narrative should also be taken into account during this process.

Another method is to allocate rewards to the families who have been victims of the policies and criminal actions of the Zionist regime and the United States. For example, the hypocrites caused the deaths of 17,000 innocent people in the early days of the revolution, and these individuals are now recognized as victims of terrorism. The families can gather financial resources with the guidance of intelligence or governance institutions. They can also request financial assistance by announcing an account number, collecting money not only from the people of Iran but also from other countries affected by the hypocrites’ behavior and actions. These funds would contribute to the Reward for Justice Program and help in obtaining information that may lead to the arrest and trial of individuals such as Masoud Rajavi. Additionally, the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran can also provide assistance to this fund.

Another approach is to establish a fund, facilitated by the government or a government-affiliated institution, to gather financial contributions from the public. This fund would be dedicated to financing the Reward for Justice Program. Similarly, the Headquarters for the Reconstruction of Holy Shrines, though it appears to be a public body, is actually a state institution. While the HQ operates as a public institution, it is ultimately a part of the government’s broader structure. Similar to the collection of people’s donations for the reconstruction of the holy sites, the Reward for Justice Program can be used to provide financial resources.

The final approach involves non-governmental organizations and associations taking the initiative to determine their eligibility for allocating financial resources and identifying members who can be included in the Reward for Justice Program. This process aims to clarify that non-governmental organizations can play a role in this program by utilizing various media channels and cyberspace. For instance, certain organizations can be tasked with highlighting American and Zionist regime commanders and officials as potential subjects of the Reward for Justice Program. These organizations can be established by individuals who have been victims of crimes committed by the United States, the Zionist regime, or terrorist groups. It’s worth noting that these organizations are not limited to Iranian entities; they can also include those from Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, and Yemen, among other countries.

Following citing an international incident concerning the US RFJ Program and its human rights implications, the letter adds:


Hence, if the Islamic Republic of Iran introduces a Reward for Justice Program that, according to the Human Rights Special Rapporteur, violates certain human rights, it may face accusations of human rights violations and an additional section could be added to the existing report of the Special Rapporteur on Human Rights in Iran. It is important to establish and design appropriate mechanisms for the reward program while striving to avoid including individuals accused of political and ideological offenses.

The implementation of the Reward for Justice Program by the Islamic Republic of Iran necessitates the establishment of a legal framework. In light of this, it is crucial to take the necessary measures to formulate appropriate legislation that facilitates the payment, allocation, and receipt of financial resources by the government or various sectors, both public and private.

As mentioned, one of the objectives behind offering financial rewards for obtaining information from American officials and commanders and the Zionist regime is to conduct psychological and perceptual operations. These operations aim to influence public opinion and the mindset of commanders and decision-makers within the framework of deterrence logic. The successful achievement of this objective relies heavily on the reactions of both domestic and international public opinion, as well as the utilization of multiple media channels. Consequently, the aforementioned program requires a comprehensive incorporation of psychological operations and information, particularly when targeting foreign audiences.

The American Reward for Justice Program primarily focuses on individuals and matters that are highly confidential, with their identities, locations, and human and financial networks not precisely known to American and Zionist adversaries. Therefore, the Reward for Justice Program in the Islamic Republic of Iran should encompass covert and unidentified American and Israeli individuals or terrorists. This approach aims to instill fear in the opposing party and demonstrate the intelligence superiority of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The call for information should be seen as a display of strength rather than weakness.

Considering the number of intelligence institutions in the country and the possibility of parallel activities in line with the Reward for Justice Program, it is important to establish a structured approach for the payment of rewards and the evaluation of received information. This includes assessing the content of the information and using human resources effectively. By implementing a centralized structure, similar to the management model employed by the American Reward for Justice Program, the process can be streamlined and made more efficient.

The amount and rate of the rewards offered play a significant role in the success of the Reward for Justice Program. Traditionally, the dollar has been used as the reward currency. However, given the need to promote alternative intellectual propositions to reduce reliance on the dollar in global economic transactions, it may be appropriate to consider using a different currency or rate. Additionally, exploring the possibility of using cryptocurrency as a means of payment for the reward program for justice could further enhance its effectiveness and align with evolving trends in the financial landscape.

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