Kuwait charges 24 ‘linked to Iran’ with plotting terror attacks



Kuwait on Tuesday charged 24 people suspected of links to the regime in Iran and Shiite militia group Hezbollah with plotting attacks against the Gulf state, a statement by the public prosecutor said.

The men were charged with “spying for the Islamic republic of Iran and Hezbollah to carry out aggressive acts against the State of Kuwait” by smuggling in and assembling explosives, as well as possessing firearms and ammunition, the statement said.

A Kuwaiti special forces vehicle pictured outside the constitutional court in Kuwait City on August 4, 2015 (AFP Photo)

They were also charged with “carrying out acts that would undermine the unity and territorial integrity” of Kuwait, and of possessing eavesdropping devices, it said.

Two other men were also charged in the same case, one with possessing illegal weapons and another with failing to inform authorities about the arms, the French news agency AFP reported.

One of the suspects is Iranian and the rest are Kuwaiti nationals. Three who remain at large were charged in absentia.

Prosecutors said the suspects were linked with a “terror cell” the interior ministry said it had busted last month while seizing large amounts of weapons, ammunition and explosives.

Officials said at the time that three men had been arrested and confessed to joining an illegal group that local media reported was Hezbollah.

Media had reported that more arrests followed and the prosecutor said 22 of the suspects charged on Tuesday had received explosives and weapon training to “achieve illegal goals”.

A number of suspects were accused of being members of Hezbollah which “aims to demolish the social and economic foundations of the country”, the prosecutor’s statement said.

On Sunday, the head of Kuwaiti Parliament’s foreign relations panel, MP Hamad al-Harashani, described the regime in Iran as the “true enemy” of Sunni-ruled Gulf Arab states and said it sought “to spread chaos” in the region.

This was not the first Iran-linked espionage ring to be spoken of in Kuwait.

In May 2013, the supreme court upheld life terms for two Iranians, a Kuwaiti and a stateless man on charges of forming a ring to spy for Tehran.

The convicts, who worked for the army, were accused of spying for Tehran and passing information on Kuwaiti and US military forces in the emirate to the Islamic republic’s Revolutionary Guards (IRGC).

They were also convicted of plotting to blow up key pipelines in the oil-rich state.

The case strained relations between Kuwait and Iran, prompting a tit-for-tat expulsion of diplomats after investigations showed the information was passed to diplomats in Tehran’s embassy in Kuwait City.

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