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HomeIran News NowKimmo Sasi, Former Finnish Minister: Iran’s Regime Tried To Bomb Opposition Because...

Kimmo Sasi, Former Finnish Minister: Iran’s Regime Tried To Bomb Opposition Because It Fears Them

Kimo Sassi, former Finnish Minister of European Affairs
Kimmo Sasi, former Finnish Minister of European Affairs

Simay-e Azadi, an Iranian opposition satellite TV channel, conducted several interviews with some European dignitaries on Thursday. These interviews were simultaneous with the second session of the trial of Iran’s diplomat-terrorist, Assadollah Assadi, and his three accomplices, in Belgium, for attempting to bomb the opposition rally in 2018 in Paris.

The target was the annual gathering held by the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) in Villepinte, north of Paris, on June 30, 2018. Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the NCRI’s president-elect, was the keynote speaker of this event and the main target of the Iranian regime’s terrorist plot. Along with Mrs. Rajavi, hundreds of renowned politicians from both sides of the Atlantic joined the “Free Iran” gathering.

Simay-e Azadi has interviewed several of these dignitaries.

One of them, Mr. Kimmo Sasi, former Finnish Minister of European Affairs, highlighted how the regime has been using its diplomatic missions and diplomat terrorists to conduct terrorist operations against the opposition abroad.

In response to the question that why the regime used its career diplomat to carry out the bombing plot against the opposition, Mr. Sasi highlighted the regime’s domestic crisis and the role of the Iranian Resistance in leading the people in their quest for regime change.

“The government is very afraid at this very moment. The reason is the huge demonstrations in Iran because people are unsatisfied under the dictatorship. The reason is the economic crisis and people are poor. Then the reason is the corruption of Revolutionary Guards. That is why the richness of Iran, the oil cannot be used for the people,” Mr. Sasi highlighted.

Below is the full text of Mr. Sasi’s interview:

I worked all my life for human rights and democracy because I strongly believe that they are the only way to guarantee high quality of life and peace in the world. Today, Iran’s regime is a shame for all of us because it is a brutal dictatorship. That is why I attended that huge gathering in Villepinte [near Paris] in June 2018 to support the Iranian opposition to bring peace and democracy in Iran. We know that Iranian regime has been involved with killings in Europe in 1989, 1990, 1992, 1993, but not lately, though we know that the regime’s agents have been active in all the countries lately. So it was a little surprising that the attack was planned. We know the court proceedings quite clearly show that there was an Iranian diplomat, Assadollah Assadi, who brought a bomb to treat terrorists with a purpose to attack the Free Iran conference. Indeed, endangering 100,000 people. And note, in this case, a diplomat and on European soil, diplomats have rules that should be followed.


Fortunately, the European security forces were able to trace them and in advance to stop them. It shows they are not very effective anymore. Unfortunately, we have another consequence of the effectiveness of Iranian soldiers who shut down the civilian airplane. To the memory of victims of that airplane. Then you ask, why is the Iranian government doing this? The government is very afraid at this very moment. The reason is the huge demonstrations in Iran because people are unsatisfied under the dictatorship. The reason is economic crisis and people are poor. Then the reason is the corruption of Revolutionary Guards. That is why the richness of Iran, the oil cannot be used for the people.

It is put instead in the pockets of the dictatorship. Also, the Covid-19 crisis has been very badly taken care from the early beginning of the crisis and still today the death figures are rising quite rapidly. I said Iranian people deserve better in a rich country. The European countries have acted properly. After what happened in Villepinte, so or didn’t in fact, did not happen, so some European countries have expelled their diplomats, Iranian diplomats from the countries. I think this means that the diplomatic contacts between European Union countries and Iran are strained, and we have to take care that the embassies of Iran are so small as possible, and they are very closely followed their activities. But also it’s very important what force must be put on the terrorist list of the European Union with the consequences that follow of that list. And of course, we need also economic sanctions, at least, and especially on those persons in Iran who are involved in terrorist activities very widely, that these people are punished already at this moment before they will later be brought into the court of law of their human rights crimes. We wait now the court verdict; I think it will be very clear and explain the facts of the case. But the main point is that we have to understand the dictatorship in Iran must go. That is the only way to guarantee human rights, peace, democracy, equality between the sexes in Iran and also if there are no terrorist actions by the Iranian government, that will guarantee the peace in Europe as well.

Kimmo Sasi, Former Finnish Minister: Iran’s Regime Tried To Bomb Opposition Because It Fears Them