Khamenei’s rep. in Qods Force: Yemeni rebels fight ‘enemies of Islam’


NCRI – Yemeni rebels are “similar to the Lebanese Hezbollah” and “will come into action against the enemies of Islam,” representative of the Iranian regime’s Supreme Leader in terrorist Qods Force of the Revolutionary Guards has declared.

The high ranking cleric representing Ali Khamenei was quoted by an IRGC affiliated website: “Many years ago Hezbollah was established in Lebanon, and the same was done in Iraq and Syria.”

Ali Shirazi added: “Today we are witnessing the formation of Ansar Allah in Yemen. And in the future all these groups will enter the field of fighting all enemies of Islam and Muslims.”

Ansar Allah is often is referred to as the military wing of the Houthi rebels.

This is not the first time that an official of the Iranian regime acknowledges the Iranian regime’s meddling in the affairs of the countries of the region including Yemen through creating proxy forces.

IRGC Brig. Gen. Hossein Salami, Deputy Commander of the Revolutionary Guards, stated in December that groups like Hezbollah are no longer only in Lebanon but today such forces have been formed in Syria and Yemen.

“Until the last few years, we have witnessed only the forces of Hezbollah in Lebanon who could stand up against the West’s bullying; but today, a major force has been formed in Syria and Iraq, as well as the forces of Ansar Allah in Yemen; this shows the potential the Islamic Revolution has to re-take Muslim lands from Western powers,” Hossein Salami said, speaking at a gathering in the city of Ardebil on December 6.

Meanwhile thousands of Yemenis took to the streets of Sanaa on Saturday in the largest demonstration against the Houthi since the Shiite rebels overran the capital in September.

“Down, down with the Houthi rule,” chanted the protesters who rallied following a call by the Rejection Movement – a group recently formed in provincial areas to challenge the Houthis.

Dozens of Houthi supporters tried to stop the demonstration, triggering a brief scuffle, before they left as the numbers of protesters kept increasing, an AFP correspondent reported.

In Sanaa, which Houthis seized during their offensive in September, supporters converged on the capital’s airport road. They raised green flags and banners proclaiming their slogan proclaiming their slogan — “Death to America, death to Israel, a curse on the Jews and victory to Islam” — a variation of a slogan often chanted by Iraqi and Lebanese Hezbollah and other groups affiliated to the Iranian regime.

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