Is Iran Regime Responsible for Lockerbie Bombing?

Is Iran Regime Responsible for Lockerbie Bombing?

By Staff Writer

The Iranian Regime ordered a Palestinian terror cell to carry out the Lockerbie bombing in 1988, according to the daughter of a former terrorist.

Saha Khreesat, 43, said that her father Marwan Khreesat told relatives that the plot to down Pam Am 103 with explosives stored in a stowed suitcase was actually organised by Ahmed Jibril, leader of the Palestinian terrorist group Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command (PFLP-GC), of which Marwan was a member, on the orders of the Iranian Regime.

She said: “I think he is responsible, and he has a deal with the Iran government. I do have a proof that Ahmed Jibril is ¬responsible for ¬Lockerbie. It might be papers or recordings and it is not in our house now.”

Saha advises that upon Marwan’s death, he left his wife a dossier of evidence about the attack, including the bomb maker’s name and information about the millions of pounds Iran paid Jibril to carry out the attack. However, she stressed that Marwan played no part in the Lockerbie attack.

Saha said: “If my dad made the bomb he would have taken lots of money but now we don’t have anything because my dad didn’t have anything to do with it. Ahmed Jibril took the first million and then he took the rest of the money and got very rich but my dad didn’t take anything.”

Marwan was identified as a possible suspect shortly after the bombing, having been arrested two months earlier in Frankfurt with a similar explosive device to that used on the plane. But, Saha said that they had to release him because they had no evidence of his involvement and that he left the terror group shortly after.

This latest claim backs up the theory that Iran ordered the attack on the New York-bound flight as payback for the US Navy downing an Iran Air flight in July 1988, apparently mistaking it for an Iranian Air Force jet, and killing 290 civilians.

Just months after the Lockerbie bombing, the UK and the US blamed the PFLP-GC and Iran, while King Hussein of Jordan told then-British Prime Minister John Major that the terror cell was behind the attack.

Dr Jim Swire, whose 23-year-old daughter Flora died in the attack, said: “’This confirms what we have known for a long time and have never been able to say in public.”

In 2001, Abdelbaset al-Megrahi, Libyan intelligence officer, was found guilty of the bombing and the murder of all 270 people who were killed, but a 2007 Scottish case review disputed this and the country is considering a posthumous appeal of the case on behalf of Megrahi’s family. Megrahi died of prostate cancer in 2012.

Scottish MSP Christine Graham said: “These various discoveries that you have made builds further on the case that it was, as many of us believe, Iran that was responsible for the ¬Lockerbie bombing and that al-Megrahi was the fall guy. Libya took the rap for various reasons.”

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