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HomeIran News NowLatest News on Iranian TerrorismIRGC's Deputy Commander Admits Iran Regime's Meddling in the Region

IRGC’s Deputy Commander Admits Iran Regime’s Meddling in the Region


NCRI – Acknowledging that, the clerical regime is in one of its most sensitive situations in terms of profound political changes in the world and the region, the Iranian regime’s Deputy Commander of Revolutionary Guards (IRGC), stated: “We are in one of the most sensitive periods, facing profound changes in the world and this is a very critical era for us.”

According to state-run ILNA news agency, on Tuesday November 1, Pasdar (Revolutionary Guard) Hossein Salami speaking at a gathering of Sharif university students in Tehran on the anniversary of “Students Day” admitted Iranian regime’s meddling in the region.

In a part of his speech he said: “In Syria we did not allow American policies be applied and go forward. In Iraq, we used (exploited) the opportunities created by the U.S. to create and shape a government that (our) revolution (regime) has effect (influence) on it; and in Lebanon a significant obstacle is created against Israel and the Islamic Revolution discourse today has expanded to East Mediterranean and Bab el-Mandeb. If we were able to fire and pinpoint ballistic missiles against a moving cruiser (battleship) that was a miraculous job.”

Referring to elections in Lebanon Pasdar Salami boasted: “Finally Hezbollah’s will to determine (appoint) a president in Lebanon was fulfilled and today the United States’ breathing space in the region has been narrowed. Today, we are at war, and to the extent that this war is great and effective, it is equally not felt (as if there is no war).”

“In war, neutrality is not an option and the United States is seeking to conquer the minds and hearts of the Iranian youths,” he reiterated.