IRGC members under the guise of students volunteer for Gaza

NCRI – Since the start of Gaza war, the members of Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) disguised as "students" took to the streets volunteering to enter the war in Gaza.

"More than 70,000 Iranian students have so far volunteered to carry out martyrdom-seeking operations against Israel," the semi-official news agency Fars reported on Tuesday.

"Five student groups and a conservative clerical group launched the registration drive for martyrdom-seeking volunteers last week and asked the government to allow them to stage the attacks," Fars added.

The so-called students started signing up "volunteers" after mullahs' Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei issued a religious decree on December 28 saying," Anyone killed while defending Palestinians in Gaza against Israeli attacks would be considered a martyr."

On December 30, dozens of IRGC member and Bassij paramilitary students attacked the British Embassy residence in Tehran, chanting slogans against the British government. They pulled down the British flag and raised a Palestinian flag at the compound entrance.

On Sunday, An angry mob of Bassij paramilitary students gathered outside Egyptian Interest Section in Tehran calling for the assassination of President Hosni Mubarak, Fars reported.
A government sanctioned association called "Guardians of Martyrs' Blood" offered a million dollars bounty for killer of the Egyptian President.

"Foruz Rajaifar, director of the association announced in a ceremony held at the Egyptian Interest Section that its organization is willing to pay the prize to the assassin," Fars said. 


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