IRGC commander reveals Iranian regime’s fear and anger at PMOI (MEK)

NCRI – The deputy commander of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard has revealed the regime’s fear of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) in an interview in which he reacted to the mass murder of 52 PMOI members at Camp Ashraf in Iraq on Septemeber 1, 2013.

“The consequences of this operation were greater than those of many previous operations, and the effect it has had on the vitality of the Monafeqin grouplet (PMOI/MEK) is far greater than that of the ‘Mercad’ (the largest military operation of Iranian regime against the PMOI).”

Hossein Salami claimed that half of the PMOI’s leaders were killed in the September 1 massacre at Camp Ashraf. He referred to the members of ‘Golden Division’ (dirty division) of Nouri al-Maliki forces who carried out the massacre as “Iraqi youth.”.

“Now 52 of the remaining PMOI have been killed, which means 50 per cent leadership has been destroyed, which is more than this grouplet can tolerate,” he added.

Salami spoke angrily of the PMOI’s exposure of the regime’s plans to build a nuclear bomb, saying in a speech: “It was they who mixed together documented intelligence with fictitious intelligence to create an unrealistic, imaginary and fabricated impression of our nuclear activities.

“Whatever effects that has on the Iranian nation in terms of sanctions and a reduction in global interactions is the result of their treachery against the Iranian nation.”

Salami also referred to the psychological torture of Camp Ashraf residents by regime agents, when loudspeakers were set up by Iraqi forces around the camp issuing threats of torture and death around the clock for over two years.

He added: “Until two years ago, there were crowds gathered daily outside Camp Ashraf until the government of Iraq bowed to pressure to transfer 3,000 of the PMOI, almost their entire population, to Camp Liberty in Baghdad.”

Salami also spoke of the removal of the PMOI from the US terror list, saying: “The US removed them from the list of countries that support terrorism and gave them an office in Washington. They became official in the EU and just today, the US Under Secretary of State called Maryam Rajavi to express her sorrow and promised that they would protect them.”


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