Iraqis complain of Iran regime’s interference in their affairs

NCRI – According to the Iraqi daily Azzaman, American officials say that their forces have launched an operation in the Northern Iraqi Baiji area to halt smuggling of oil from the country.

Last year over $4 billion worth of Iraqi oil was smuggled and the revenue was used to finance terrorist attacks in Iraq.

Capitan Adam Lacki from the first company of the 187 air born battalion said: "We can not overlook the fact that oil is being smuggled and its revenue used to finance and arm militants in order to kill innocent Iraqi civilians."

It was reported that last year alone more that 4 billion dollars worth of oil derivatives including gasoline and petroleum was smuggled outside the country.

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the NCRI told a visiting delegation from the European Parliament to her residence in Auvers-sur-Oise, north of Paris, last month that the mullahs ruling Iran have smuggled over 20 billion dollars from Iraqi oil in the biggest smuggling operations recorded.

Iraqi political and tribal figures have been complaining about mullahs’ increasing interference in Iraqi affairs. Saleh Mutlaq, leader of the National Dialogue Front, warned against expansion of mullahs’ regime influence in Iraq and its threat to security, sovereignty and Arab identity of that country.

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