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HomeIran News NowLatest News on Iranian TerrorismIraqi Hezbollah praises al-Maliki for allowing its fighter to fight in Syria

Iraqi Hezbollah praises al-Maliki for allowing its fighter to fight in Syria

NCRI – The Iraqi Hezbollah group has praised prime minister Nouri al-Maliki for allowing an Iraqi soldier to fight alongside dictator Bashar al-Assad’s troops in Syria.

The remarks by Hezbollah Secretary General Watheq al-Battat clearly reveals the direct link between al-Maliki and his group.

Al-Battat told Iraq’s al-Taqeer TV on Monday: “The Iraqi border guards should respect us because the Iraqi government is a Shiite government. If there was a Wahabi or Takffiri here they would not let you pass through here to go to Syria. We must therefore we must protect the government and the governmental institutions.”

Al-Battat – also a well known member of the Iranian regime’s Quds Force – branded the Syrian opposition as ‘Jewish’ and ‘infidels’.

Iran and the Iraqi government of Nouri al-Maliki recently also hinted at al-Battat’s responsibility for carrying out the latest rocket on Iranian dissidents in Camp Liberty on behalf of the Jaish al-Mohktar group.

Arabic language daily Asharq Al-Awsat wrote on February 11: “The Mokhtar Army was created as the security force of the Iraqi government.”

Other Arabic language publications including the al-Hayat daily, Asharq Al-Awsat daily and the Elaph website have previously written that the name ‘al-Muktar’, meaning symbol of vengeance, refers to Maliki himself.

The Iranian regime and the Iraqi government of Nouri al-Maliki have in the past sent Watheq al-Battat to scene to assume responsibility for rocket attacks on Iranian dissidents in Camp Liberty on behalf of Jaish al-Muktar group.

Meanwhile in Baghdad on Tuesday members of Iranian made Iraqi Hezbollah held a memorial for a fighter killed in Syria, one of an unknown number of Iraqis who went to fight in Syria to help the regime of Bashar al-Assad.