Iraqi daily: IRGC Terrorist designation, significant victory for Iraqi democratic forces

NCRI – An article published in the Iraqi newspaper, Al-Zaman on Thursday noted  that “The terrorist labeling of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and the Qods force by the United States is a significant victory for our people and all of the national and democratic forces in Iraq who have persistently stood up against the terrorist storm coming from the Iranian regime to our land.”

"The terrorist Qods force exported by the Iranian regime is solely responsible for all the organized sectarian violence and relentless terrorism in Iraq."
Al-Zaman continued: "All the murderers who in recent years have entered Iraq from Iran, initiated sectarian violence and created death squads must be prosecuted. The majority of those who have been forced on to the governmental positions by the Supreme Islamic Iraqi Council and the Badr Brigaded must prove that they are not a member of the Qods force or otherwise be dismissed.
The Iraqi paper continued, "Al-Maleki’s government must now answer why it is continuing diplomatic, political, economic and even security relationship with the Qods force?"

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