Iran’s spies set up base in Iraq’s Shiite city Basra

Iran's spies set up base in Iraq's Shiite cityAzzaman daily – Agents of Iran’s Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) are fomenting unrest in Iraq’s southern city of Basra.

Iraqi counter-intelligence sources said fighters were being trained in Lebanon under MOIS supervision and sent via the Iranian border to infiltrate Basra.

The sources said the MOIS was the most powerful and influential intelligence service that had infiltrated Basra and several other key Iraqi cities including the holy cities of Najaf and Karbala.
“In Basra alone it has eight large intelligence bases”, it said, adding that the bases were operating under various guises.

Some of the fighters were being incorporated into the al-Hussein Battalion which has been responsible for numerous targeted killings and assassinations in Basra.

Among the responsibilities the MOIS has in Iraq is to train and arm extremist militias for attacks on targets designated by Tehran.

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