Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Iran’s climbdown- Iran Terrorism

ChronicleHerald – SO, what did Iran accomplish by seizing, then “pardoning” and releasing, 15 British sailors for allegedly violating Iranian territorial waters?
Plenty, though perhaps not exactly what it intended.

Britain never publicly apologized for the claimed border transgression, as Tehran had demanded. Nor should it have. The Iranians never presented compelling evidence to counter British GPS data that showed their sailors never were in Iranian waters when captured by members of that country’s Revolutionary Guard.

Tellingly, Iran received little to no support internationally for its actions throughout the episode. In fact, even Middle Eastern neighbours urged the Iranians to release the British military personnel as soon as possible. Iran’s decision to publicly parade their captives on Iranian TV, including showing them read statements of contrition almost assuredly coerced in some fashion, was appalling, apart from being in violation of international law. In the eyes of the world, Iran was offside.

If the seizure was meant to defuse building international pressure for more binding sanctions, over Iran’s refusal to abide by United Nations Security Council resolutions regarding Tehran’s nuclear ambitions, the gambit clearly failed. All Iran accomplished was to demonstrate, once more and with great effect, that international rules of behaviour mean little to the mullahs in power.

Quiet diplomacy resulted in a face-saving climbdown, with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad “generously” freeing the British sailors as an Easter gift. More will undoubtedly come out in the future on what transpired; but for now, it seems likely the Iranian misadventure has only strengthened the resolve of those pushing for tougher sanctions on the nuclear question.