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HomeIran News NowLatest News on Iranian TerrorismIranian Resistance condemns Ali Larijani's participation in the 43rd Munich Conference

Iranian Resistance condemns Ali Larijani’s participation in the 43rd Munich Conference

NCRI – The Iranian Resistance condemns the participation of Ali Larijani, the clerical regime’s Supreme National Security Council Secretary, in the 43rd Munich Conference on Security Policy and views it as contrary to the national interests of the Iranian people, a vast majority of whom demand regime change.

Mohammad Mohaddessin, Foreign Affairs Committee Chair of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) said Larijani has played a major role in export of terrorism and fundamentalism, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, and suppression of the Iranian people. His participation in the conference runs counter to the goals of the meeting in safeguarding and spreading global security.

Mohaddessin added that the Munich Conference was host to the representative of a regime which has violated all international accords, including the United Nations Security Council resolution, endeavored to obtain nuclear weapons, pushed Iraq down the spiral of bloodshed through its terrorist and fundamentalist meddling, taken Lebanon and Palestine to the brink of a civil war and is poised to establish an Islamic empire. "Is negotiation with such a criminal not a repeat of  the experience of the Munich Pact of 1938?" he asked.

NCRI’s Foreign Affairs Committee Chair stressed that two days prior to Larijani’s trip to Munich, the regime’s Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei, had emphasized the need to continue the nuclear projects while blatantly threatening the international community with terrorist attacks.

"As long as the mullahs’ regime is in power in Iran, neither will Iraq experience tranquility nor will the region achieve peace. Democracy in Iraq and peace in the Middle East is the noose around the mullahs’ neck. The only option is democratic change, for which the Iranian people have offered 120,000 martyrs so far. Regrettably, the policy of appeasing the regime has acted as the most important barrier to change in Iran.
"Instead of being received, the regime’s leaders such as Larijani should be brought before an international tribunal for crimes against humanity. A firm policy vis-à-vis the Iranian regime is the only way out of the all-out crisis that has engulfed the Middle East region," he said, adding,  "Such a  policy should on the one hand facilitate the imposition of comprehensive sanctions on the ruling clerics and on the other hand remove the restrictions and obstacles placed on the Iranian Resistance in the frame work of appeasement policy."
Recalling the December 12, 2006 ruling of the European Communities’ Court of the First Instance, which annulled the EU Council Decision to include the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran in the terrorist list, Mohaddessin said that the European Union was now facing a  major challenge: Either abiding by the rule of law or continuing to appease the mullahs for economic considerations,  which would be tantamount to the violation of the Court verdict and the rule of law.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
February 10, 2007